Shelters in every region are killing fewer dogs & cats –but just barely

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July/August 2009:

Shelters in every region are killing fewer dogs & cats
--but just barely

         Animals killed    YEAR   1,000s   Animals
         per 1,000 people       of people  killed

New York City        2.0  2008   8,275    16,489
NEW HAMPSHIRE        2.1  2007   1,316     2,737
NORTHEAST (29%)      1.9        34,444    66,296

TENNESSEE (prjctd)  25.1  2006   6,039   151,329
Knoxville           29.9  2006     405    12,090
Kanawha/Charleston  34.1  2007     192     6,553
APPALACHIA (41%)    25.3        15,144   383,143

NEW JERSEY           4.5  2007   8,682    38,742
Pr. George Cty, MD   7.1  2007     841     6,000
PaSPCA-served sbrbs 18.3  2007     408     7,478
Philadelphia        19.9  2006   1,448    28,774
Camden/Gloucester   21.9  2008      86     1,886
MID-ATLANTIC (41%)   7.2        27,638   197,546

Broward County       5.9  2007   1,788    10,500
Richmond, VA         7.9  2007     193     1,516
West Palm Beach      9.5  2007   1,351    12,820
VIRGINIA            10.8  2008   7,769    83,907
St. Johns Cnty, FL  13.0  2007     169     2,201
Alachua Cty, FL     15.4  2008     240     3,695
Lee County, FL      19.1  2007     571    10,907
Tampa area          19.9  2006   2,489    49,557
Duval County, FL    23.5  2007     838    19,662
Columbia, SC        23.5  2007     468    11,000
Charleston, SC      24.1  2007     332     8,000
NORTH CAROLINA      24.7  2007   8,856   218,350
Clay County, FL     27.3  2007     179     6,542
York county, SC     37.7  2006     199     7,500
Rome/Floyd Cty, GA  42.3  2006      95     4,034
Macon, GA           42.3  2007      94     3,970
Volusia County, FL  42.3  2007     497    21,000
Clay County, FL     44.7  2007     179     8,000
Orangeburg Cty, SC  49.5  2006      91     4,500
SO. ATLANTIC (59%)  18.6        44,716   826,544

San Juan Capistrano  1.3  2007      37        48
San Francisco        1.3  2008     809     1,031
Huntington Beach     2.5  2006     194       485
Los Angeles city     3.7  2007   4,018    15,009
Orange County, CA    4.3  2007   3,002    13,000
San Diego            4.0  2007   2,942    11,700
WASHINGTON           6.6  2006   6,132    40,722
Los Angeles total    6.8  2007   9,503    64,457
Tehama County, CA    6.8  2006      62       421
Portland/Multnomah   6.7  2008     715     4,795
OREGON               8.4  2006   3,641    30,528
Los Angeles County   8.5  2007   5,082    43,373
Anchorage            9.1  2007     275     2,490
San Bernardino Cty  11.3  2007   2,028    22,900
Merced Cty, CA      12.2  2006     246     3,011
Long Beach          13.0  2007     469     6,075
Monterey County, CA 14.4  2006     412     5,912
Visalia, CA         16.4  2006     420     6,896
Spokane             16.8  2008     463     7,824
Kern County, CA     23.3  2006     802    18,669
Stanislaus Cty, CA  23.4  2007     512    12,000
Fresno, CA          40.9  2006     787    32,147
PACIFIC (72%)        8.5        49,070   417,095

Dallas              11.7  2008   2,346    27,355
Austin/Travis Cty.  11.9  2008     921    10,916
Jefferson Parish    16.9  2008     456     7,720
Houston             18.4  2007   3,886    71,395
San Antonio         19.6  2008   1,329    26,000
LOUISIANA           20.1  2006   4,410    92,000
Fort Worth          21.3  2007     682    14,546
MISSISSIPPI         24.8  2007   2,939    73,000
ALABAMA             25.7  2007   4,662   120,000
Conroe area, TX     26.8  2006     378    10,120
Waco/McLennan Cty.  27.0  2008     230     6,204
Mobile              31.0  2008     404    12,516
Tuskaloosa, AL      31.1  2008     178     5,536
Baldwin County, AL  32.9  2008     172     5,664
Odessa/Ector Cty.   71.4  2008     132     9,423
GULF COAST (58%)    21.0        36,338   763,098

Reno                 5.4  2008     406     2,186
COLORADO             9.1  2007   4,753    43,000
UTAH                11.9  2007   2,700    32,000
Phoenix/Maricopa    14.8  2008   3,880    57,287
Las Vegas/Clark Cty 22.1  2007   1,997    26,500
Albuquerque         23.8  2007     505    12,029
Tucson              25.3  2008   1,014    25,600
Fallon/Lyon Cty, NV 29.6  2007      43     1,272
NEW MEXICO          33.7  2007   1,978    66,709
WEST (88%)          15.2        19,048   289,530

Mason County, MI     3.9  2007      30       116
Chicago              6.7  2006   2,833    19,000
Porter County, IN    8.7  2007     160     1,384
Macomb County, MI    7.2  2007     833     6,000
Oakland County, MI   8.2  2006   1,214    10,000
MICHIGAN            11.7  2006  10,096   117,919
Sangamon Cty, IL    14.4  2007     194     2,800
Columbus/Frnkln Cty 14.6  2006   1,096    16,000
St. Clair Cty, MI   15.3  2007     170     2,600
Indianapolis        16.7  2007     866    14,470
Oklahoma City       28.0  2007     691    19,365
Shelby County, IN   29.4  2008      44     1,293
Independence, MO    29.7  2006     113     3,361
Tulsa               39.2  2006     383    15,000
MIDWEST (24%)       12.8        70,204   898,611

U.S. TOTAL          13.5     3,079,939 4,157,918

	(The regional and national totals appearing in bold are not 
tallies of the data used to produce them,  but are rather estimates 
proportionately weighted to reflect demography.  The percentage 
figure in parenthesis is the percentage of the human population 
encompassed within the shelter service areas from which the totals 
were derived.)


Helmsley estate case

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2009:
NEW YORK CITY–The Humane Society of the U.S., Maddie’s
Fund, and the American SPCA on August 11, 2009 asked the Manhattan
Surrogate Court to overturn a February 2009 ruling by Judge Troy K.
Webber that allowed the trustees of the late hotelier Leona
Helmsley’s estate to allocate about $5 billion to human service
charities, instead of for the benefit of dogs, as Helmsley asked in
her will. The trustees in April 2009 distributed $136 million to
human service charities, $900,000 to charities that train guide
dogs, and $100,000 to the ASPCA, the only animal charity named.

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State data, 2000-2009

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July/August 2009:

State data,  2000-2009

State  Dogs & cats
        killed/year  Rate

  AL     119,021     25.5
  AK       9,643     14.0
  AZ     123,540     19.0
  AR      33,975     11.9
  CA     433,733     11.8
  CO      43,000      9.1
  CT       2,101      0.6
  DE      13,793     15.8
  FL     278,586     15.2
  GA     190,814     19.7
  HI      22,797     17.7
  ID      27,584     18.1
  IL     134,470     10.4
  IN     138,870     21.8
  IA      49,850     16.6
  KS      48,477     17.3
  KY     183,054     42.9
  LA      92,000     20.9
  ME       8,297      6.3
  MD      49,016      8.7
  MA      38,338      5.9
  MI     117,035     11.7
  MN      93,438     17.9
  MS     124,205     42.4
  MO     102,958     17.4
  MT      11,279     11.7
  NE      22,280     15.3
  NV      32,011     12.3
  NH       3,027      2.3
  NJ      38,205      4.4
  NM      66,861     33.7
  NY      58,470      3.0
  NC     227,783     24.7
  ND      11,171     17.4
  OH     171,141     14.9
  OK     114,276     31.3
  OR      31,836      8.4
  PA     200,785     16.1
  RI       6,930      6.6
  SC     127,413     28.4
  SD      18,170     22.6
  TN     155,997     25.1
  TX     469,849     19.3
  UT      32,558     11.9
  VT       4,968      8.0
  VA      98,666     12.7
  WA      43,223      6.6
  WV      61,892     34.1
  WI      27,010      4.8
  WY       8,195     15.4

ALL   4,528,700     15.1

Ontario pit ban upheld

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2009:
OTTAWA–A three-judge panel of the Supreme Court of Canada on
June 11, 2009 refused to hear Ontario dog keeper Catherine
Cochrane’s last appeal in an attempt to overturn the 2005 Dog Owners’
Liability Act. The act bans from Ontario any dog who “has an
appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially
similar” to those of pit bull terriers, Stafford-shire bull
terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, and American pit bull
Pit bulls already in Ontario when the law passed may be kept
if they are licensed, sterilized, and kept muzzled and leashed when
in public.
“The total ban on pit bulls is not ‘arbitrary’ or ‘grossly
disproportionate’ in light of the evidence that pit bulls have a
tendency to be unpredictable and that even apparently docile pit
bulls may attack without warning or provocation,” the Ontario Court
of Appeal ruled in October 2008.
Cochrane was represented by renowned civil rights lawyer Clayton Ruby.

Animals are among losers of “War on Terror”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2009:
BARSTOW, JACKSONVILLE– Wars are lost by losing lives and
land. Thus whales, burros, pigs, and desert tortoises far from
any battlefield are among the losers of the War on Terror,
informally declared in 2001 by then-U.S. President George W. Bush.
The Barack Obama administration in March 2009 abandoned use
of the phrase “War on Terror” to describe what are now called
“overseas contingency operations,” and are no longer rhetorically
linked, in recognition that U.S. troops are fighting different foes
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But changing terminology has not changed the issues. Even
before “War on Terror” was used to drum up support for the U.S.
invasion of Iraq, it was used to quell opposition to military
training exercises that harm animals and habitat. Military projects
harmful to animals that began or expanded in the name of the “War on
Terror” are still underway, often bigger than ever.

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Watching new Eagle Vick “like a hawk”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2009:
PHILADELPHIA–Michael Vick, considered possibly the best
quarterback in the National Football League before becoming the most
notorious dogfighter ever, is again playing football. Rising to
stardom with the Atlanta Falcons before his April 2007 arrest in
connection with dogfighting, the 29-year-old Vick is now an
expensive backup for the Philadelphia Eagles, behind five-time Pro
Bowl quarterback Donovan McNabb.
“I lobbied to get him here,” said McNabb. “I believe in
second chances and what better place to get a second chance.”
Whether Vick was a football star gone bad or a would-be
dogfighter who happened to be good at football is among the open
questions among observers. Vick set up his dogfighting operation,
Bad Newz Kennels, in 2001, the same year he became the first pick
in the NFL draft.

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Finch fighting busted in Connecticut

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2009:
DERBY, Connecticut–All 19 defendants in the first
finch-fighting case in the U.S. that anyone could remember on August
11, 2009 surrendered title to 150 saffron finches who were seized in
a July 26 raid on the home of Jurames Goulart, 42, of Shelton,
Connecticut. Goulart, Sebastian Andrade, 37, and Nonato Raimundo,
51, both of Danbury, were charged with organizing a finch-fighting
ring that drew gamblers from as far as Massachusetts, New York, and
New Jersey. The other arrestees were charged as spectators.

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