BOOKS: This is Hope & The Ultimate Betrayal

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2013:

This Is Hope: Green Vegans and the New Human Ecology
by Will Anderson
Earth Books c/o John Hunt Publishing
(15200 NBN Way, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214), 2013. 368 pages,
paperback. $22.95;
or download c/o

The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?
by Hope Bohanec with Cogen Bohanec
166 pages, paperback. $19.95, c/o

This Is Hope, by Will Anderson, and The Ultimate Betrayal, by
Hope Bohanec, with her husband Cogen Bohanec, might be described as
long and short versions of the same book. They are structured somewhat
differently, but mostly summarize the same arguments for veganism,
citing many of the same sources.

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Editorials: Asian dog & cat meat trade could be on the way out

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

Editorial feature: Asian dog & cat meat trade could be on the way out 

By Kim Bartlett & Merritt Clifton

Recent developments signify that dog and cat meat industries of Southeast Asia,  South Korea,  and China may be approaching the beginning of their end,  if current campaigns sustain present momentum.  The dog and cat meat industries are vulnerable to eradication through a combination of factors,  including rising education and affluence,  the increasing popularity of keeping dogs and cats as household pets,  and democratization of traditionally oligarchic and patriarchal societies,  so that women and younger people––who are more likely to be sympathetic toward animals––have more say in what goes on.  

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Euro scandal shows the big money in horsemeat is in labeling it “beef”

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2013:


PARIS––At least 28 companies in 13 European nations plus
Hong Kong have been involved in marketing horsemeat as beef, French
government investigators assessed in mid-February 2013, predicting that
more alleged perpetrators would be exposed by ongoing investigations.
Entrepreneurs seeking to resume horse slaughter in the U.S. have
argued that they would market to an upscale clientele in nations
including Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Japan, who would
demand that horses were transported and killed humanely. But the
horsemeat-as-beef scandal has revealed just the opposite: by far the
greater portion of the European horsemeat trade involves the lowest
priced meat products, in which the ingredients are most easily
disguised, and about which consumers and regulators tend to ask the
fewest questions.

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BOOKS | Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  November/December 2012:

Full Planet,  Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity by Lester R. Brown Earth Policy Institute (1350 Connecticut Avenue NW,  Suite 403,  Washington, DC   20036),  2012. 141 pages,  paperback.  $15.00.
Publicity materials for Full Planet, Empty Plates credit Lester R. Brown with producing more than 50 books,  including the annual Worldwatch reports he edited for 30 years as founder of the Worldwatch Institute.  Leaving in 2001,  Brown formed the Earth Policy Institute to continue amassing and evaluating economic data that helps to predict environmental trends. Read more

BOOKS: Food Security & Farm Animal Welfare

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  November/December 2012:

Food Security & Farm Animal Welfare  by Sofia Parente [WSPA] and Heleen van de Weerd [CIWF] Free 20-page download from or  Based on The Impact of Industrial Grain Fed Livestock Production on Food Security:  an extended literature review .. by Karl-Heinz Erb,   Andreas Mayer,   Thomas Kastner,  Kristine-Elena Sallet,   and Helmut Haberl,  Institute of Social Ecology,  Vienna

Free 90-page download from:

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The Vegan Police: the Vegan Outreach perspective


From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  October 2012: (Actually published on November 1,  2012.)
Politics,  personal conduct,  and the Vegan Police:  the Vegan Outreach perspective by Matt Ball,  cofounder,  Vegan Outreach 
Having been prompted to do some broader thinking about the status of animal advocacy in the past year,  including contrasting the AR-2012 conference in Washington D.C. with past AR conferences, I have a somewhat different perspective on the issues raised by the editorial in this October 2012 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE,  “Politics, personal conduct,  and the Vegan Police,” compared to my concerns when we were starting Vegan Outreach in the 1990s.
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