From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1994:
The Marine Mammal Protection Act was
reauthorized on schedule on April 29, including loop-
holes to let hunters to import polar bear trophies and to
allow the killing of seals and sea lions who eat threat-
ened fish runs at locks and fish ladders. Other provi-
sions include a total ban on intentionally shooting
marine mammals who interfere with fishing, and a pro-
gram to cut accidental kills during fishing to near zero
over the next seven years.
The Liberal Party of Canada convention on
May 15 overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling
for the resumption of offshore seal hunting, halted in
1983 after two decades of international protest. The
Liberals form the Parliamentary majority. Claiming
“the concerns of animal rights lobby groups should not
be put before the concerns of the people of
Newfoundland and Labrador,” the resolution claims
sealing is needed to create jobs because the fishing
industry has collapsed––making no mention that the col-
lapse was caused by overfishing condoned in the name
of job creation by a succession of both Liberal and
Progressive-Conservative governments.