Finally some legislative action in Pennsylvania vs. pigeon shoots

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2011:
HARRISBURG–The Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee on
April 12, 2011 voted 11-3 to send a bill to ban pigeon shoots to the
full state senate for consideration.
The passage of a state bill from committee to legislative
consideration rarely attracts national notice, but the action on SB
626, introduced by state senator Patrick Browne, caused the
National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legis-lative Action to
issue a membership alert contending that SB 626 is about “banning all

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Ecuador proposed ban on blood sports is narrowed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2011:
QUITO–Ecuadorans may vote to ban Spanish-style bullfighting on
May 7, 2011, as part of a 10-point set of constitutional amendments
proposed by President Rafael Correa, but the measure before them
appears to be narrower than the total ban on blood sports that Correa
promised before the ballot language was finalized.
“The question concerns spectacles in which the goal is to kill
the animal. Cockfights are not affected by this problem and will be
allowed,” Correa told Radio Huancavilca in Guayaquil. But Correa
muddled the matter in statements to the government news agency Andes.

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Ecuador to hold referendum on cockfighting & bullfighting

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2011:
QUITO–Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa has included among a
list of 10 referendum questions to be submitted to voters as early as
May 2011 a proposal to ban blood sports, including cockfighting and
Both cockfighting and bullfighting were introduced to Ecuador
by Spanish conquistadors more than 400 years ago. “The more
well-heeled in the Andean nation, as in Mexico, favor the stylized
rituals of the bullfight in colonial-age ‘plazas de toros,’ where
the animals are killed by celebrated Spanish matadors,” wrote Dolores
Ochoa of Associated Press. “In Ecuador, as in neighboring Colombia
and Peru, the rings are a place to see and be seen, fixtures in the
society pages.”

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Five alleged animal fighters die in 10 days

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
DETROIT, YAZOO, DELANO–Five alleged animal fighters
died in three separate incidents during the last 10 days of January
Detroit police responding to calls about gunshots and an
anonymous call saying that bodies could be found at a particular
address on the night of January 21 found the remains of three young
men after removing 11 pit bull terriers to gain access to the

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Illinois axes subsidy for National High School Rodeo Finals

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois–The Illinois Department of
Agriculture on January 27, 2011 notified the National High School
Rodeo Association that it can no longer afford the $1 million annual
cost of underwriting the National High School Rodeo Finals, a 10-day
event held in Springfield in 2000, 2001, 2006, and 2007, due to
have returned to Springfield in 2012 and 2013.
“While Illinois is claiming cancellation of the rodeo is due
to budget cuts, the negative publicity generated by SHARK’s expose of
the rodeo’s animal cruelty year after year undoubtedly played a part
in the decision,” said SHARK founder Steve Hindi. In 2007 the
National High School Rodeo Finals lost the sponsorship of Choice
Hotels, including 11 leading midprice national motel chains, two
years before the sponsorship contract was to expire.

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Progress against public bullfighting in Tamil Nadu but not in Uttarakhand

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:


CHENNAI,  Dehrudun–The first weekend of 2011 Pongal harvest festivals in Tamil Nadu,  India,  brought a drop in reported deaths and injuries in jallikattu,  the predominant Indian form of participatory bullfighting–but chiefly because new rules discouraged many communities from hosting jallikattu.  Relative to the unrestrained mayhem at Bunkhal village in Uttarakhand state a month earlier,  that was major progress.

Where jallikattu proceeded,  deaths and injuries continued, despite  enforcement of the new rules by the Animal Welfare Board of India at direction of the Supreme Court of India.  Injuries to bulls are seldom tabulated,  but may be inferred from the counts of human deaths and injuries,  chiefly suffered in attempts to tackle bulls. Read more

Spanish national broadcasting agency banishes bullfights to protect children

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:


MADRID–The Spanish national broadcasting agency,  Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (RTVE)  on January 8,  2011 made official that it will no longer televise bullfights.


RTVE “has not shown bullfighting in any of its programs for months,  citing low audience ratings and budget problems,”  wrote Associated Press correspondent Harold Heckle. RTVE made the de facto exclusion of bullfights from broadcasts official in the 2011 edition of the corporate stylebook.  A chapter titled “Violence against animals” says RTVE has ceased broadcasting bullfighting in part because bullfights are usually held at hours when children are likely to be watching. Read more

SHARK Octocopter drone allegedly shot down while documenting Pennsylvania pigeon shoot

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:

HAMBURG,  Pennsylvania
–An Octocopter drone video camera platform snagged in a tall tree guarantees that Showing Animals Respect & Kindness (SHARK) will continue to keep an eye on the Wing Pointe gun club near Hamburg,  Pennsylvania for some time to come, while pursuing legal action to get the Octocopter back.

The case appears likely to ensure that SHARK and Wing Pointe will meet in court,  but not necessarily in connection with the cruelty prosecution SHARK has tried to press against Wing Pointe since retrieving 21 wounded but living pigeons from a “dead pile” after a pigeon shoot on December 5,  2010. Read more

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