Educational items in Arabic
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 2006:
LONDON–The International Network for Humane Education in
February 2006 launched an Arabic version of the Inter-NICHE web site
providing alternatives to animal use in life science education.
First posted by InterNICHE founder Nick Jukes in 1997, with
many subsequent updates and expansions, the site is already used
worldwide, but Cairo University professor Fawzy El-Nady anticipated
that the Arabic version might reach an especially receptive audience
which has had little previous access to antivivisection materials.
“In Islam,” said El-Nady, “imprisoning animals is a sin,
and cutting or injuring animals whilst alive is also forbidden. By
analogy and inference, this applies to science and science
education. It is also specifically forbidden [in Islam] to harm
frogs,” El-Nady added. “The use of alternatives fits well with
Islamic science.”