New animal protection laws in Texas, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Maine

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:


New Texas legislation permits felony prosecution of people
whose dogs kill or maim other humans, but attorneys familiar with
handling dog attack cases and representatives of the animal control
officers who will have the primary duty of enforcing the new law told
Roy Appleton of the Dallas Morning News that it does not actually
eliminate the ancient “one free bite” rule for determining if a dog
is vicious, and will require animal control officers to do criminal
investigation, whereas the typical animal control offense is a
summary infraction. “This is better than what we have now,” said
Dallas attorney and Animal Legal Defense Fund president Robert
Trimble, “but whether it solves the problem, I guess we’ll have to
wait and see.”
Texas also banned keeping dogs tethered between 10 p.m. and 6
a.m., and limited tethering to three hours within any 24-hour
period. Waco police department animal control chief Clare Crook
noted to Waco Tribune-Herald staff writer David Doerr that
enforcement may be complicated by thin animal control staffing during
night hours, but felt the law would be helpful.

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Wildlife Waystation founder Martine Colette says sanctuary is broke

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

LOS ANGELES–The Los Angeles Daily News and KNBC-4 television
on August 30, 2007 amplified emergency appeals from Wildlife
Waystation founder Martine Colette for funding she said was urgently
needed to keep the 31-year-old sanctuary operating.
“We are $1 million in debt, and we have no funds left,”
Colette told Daily News staff writer Dana Bartholomew. “Things as
they are today will not continue for the next week, or two weeks,
without help.”
Colette suggested that if an immediate infusion of cash was
not forthcoming, the 400 Waystation animals would “become the
county’s problem, the state’s problem,” a threat she has issued
before in years of disputes with regulatory agencies.
Closed for 110 days by the Calif-ornia Department of Fish &
Game in 2000, Wildlife Waystation never fully regained the permits
it needed to host donors’ visits, which until then were the
sanctuary’s chief revenue engine. More than just generating
on-the-spot donations, visits tended to inspire new donors to give
regularly, and established donors to give more.
“Trying to obtain a permit is a long process,” Colette told
KNBC. “There are many regulations we have to meet in order to get a
permit, and we cannot meet those regulations at all. In the
meantime we have gone broke trying to run the sanctuary without being
open to the public.”
Colette estimated that Wildlife Waystation operating costs
currently run at about $5,000 a day. This is consistent with the
most recent Waystation filings of IRS Form 990. ANIMAL PEOPLE has
found that determining the balance of Waystation program expense,
fundraising costs, and administrative expenditures has been
difficult, however, because of idiosyncracies in how the forms have
been completed.
“Last month,” wrote Bartholomew, “five of the eight
Waystation board members quit, apparently burned out over troubles
at the beleaguered agency.”
Colette at the end of August laid off general manager Alfred
J. Durtschi, who was paid $107,153 in the most recently reported
fiscal year, and also laid off half of the 48 Waystation caretakers
and groundskeepers.
Colette told news media that Southern California Edison had
threatened to cut off the sanctuary electricity due to unpaid bills,
and that the Waystation was also about to lose propane delivery.
Former Waystation board chair Robert Lorsch resigned on July
1, 2007, after five years of intense involvement.

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Five Makah arrested for killing whale without permit

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

NEAH BAY, Washington– Frustrated by eight years of failing
to obtain a new federal permit to kill gray whales, after killing
one in May 1999, Makah tribal whaler Wayne Johnson, 54, and four
other Makah– Theron Parker, Andy Noel, Billy Secor and Frank
Gonzales Jr.–on September 8, 2007 killed a whale without a permit
and without tribal authorization or awareness.
“Crew members plunged at least five stainless steel whaling
harpoons into the animal. Then they shot it,” wrote Seattle Times
staff reporter Lynda V. Mapes. “The Coast Guard, alerted to the
hunt by onlookers, was on the scene within hours. Johnson and the
others quickly found themselves in handcuffs,” recounted Mapes.
“The Coast Guard confiscated the gun and their boats, and cut the
whale, harpoons and all, loose to drift on the current. By evening,
the whale was dead, and sank out of sight.

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National dogfighting crackdown vindicates Laura Maloney

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

NEW ORLEANS–Pronouncing herself “Extremely disheartened” by
alleged judicial and mainstream law enforcement indifference toward
dogfighting on April 17, 2007, former Louisiana SPCA executive
director Laura Maloney saw attitudes change abruptly before her
August 31, 2007 departure to join her husband Dan in Australia.
Previously curator at the Audubon Park Zoo in New Orleans,
Dan Maloney now heads Zoos Victoria in Melbourne.
Laura Maloney left the Louisiana SPCA two days after the
second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Katrina destroyed the
Louisiana SPCA shelter, and drove much of the organization’s donor
base out of New Orleans. Yet, while rebuilding the Louisiana SPCA
was Maloney’s biggest challenge, combating dogfighting was her
passion and greatest frustration.

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Court awards no fees to Primarily Primates receiver

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

AUSTIN–Travis County Probate Court Judge Guy Herman on
September 10, 2007 denied the request of Lee Theisen-Watt for
“Payment of Receiver Fees and Reimbursement of Attorneys’ Fees” for
the time she spent as court-appointed receiver at the Primarily
Primates sanctuary near San Antonio, Texas, from October 15, 2006
until May 1, 2007.
Herman noted that Theisen-Watt testified “she had agreed to
offer her services pro bono, that her original attorney would
represent her pro bono, that she assumed her original attorney would
pay for the fees of her other attorneys, and that she gave a
charitable receipt from Primarily Primates to the original attorney
for the $42,000 the original attorney said he paid” to another law

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More U.S. animal shelter data by city, county, state, and region

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:
The printed edition of the table “U.S. animal shelter data
broken down by city, county, state, and region” published on page
19 of the July/August 2007 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE inadvertently
omitted the portions covering the interior western states, the state
of Delaware, and Huntington Beach, California, and omitted a
decimal place in stating the rate of shelter killing per 1,000 humans
residents of Santa Cruz, California. The missing data, below, was
taken into account in producing the ANIMAL PEOPLE estimate that a low
for the past half century of 3.7 million animals were killed in U.S.
shelters in 2006, and was included in the electronic edition of

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Chicago foie gras ban a year later

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

CHICAGO–Responding to a complaint that Cyrano’s Bistrot,
Wine Bar, & Cabaret was illegally selling foie gras, the Chicago
Department of Public Health on September 5, 2007 closed the upscale
restaurant after finding a cockroach-infested kitchen –but no foie
The raid indicated that the Chicago ban on selling foie gras
appears to be holding, a year after the city council approved it
48-1, and that Department of Public Health spokes-person Tim Haddac
erred two weeks earlier when he alleged to Chicago Tribune restaurant
critic Phil Vettel that “Every hour we spend on foie gras is an hour
we don’t spend protecting people against food-borne illnesses.”
Vettel reported on the August 22, 2007 first anniversary of
the passage of the foie gras ban that, “Aficionados can still dine
on foie gras, if they know where to look.”

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American Veal Association votes to phase out crating

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:

WASHINGTON D.C.–With U.S. veal consumption now less than
half of what it was in 1980, a third of what it was in 1970, a
fifth of what it was in 1960, and a sixth of the peak circa 1950,
the American Veal Association board of directors on May 9, 2007
voted unanimously to phase out crating calves by 2017–but their
decision did not reach the public until the Humane Society of the
U.S. and PETA claimed victory in early August 2007 press releases,
while urging faster action.
The American Veal Association resolution mentioned that
“industry must always be aware and mindful of consumer concerns,”
and that “group housing was imposed legislatively” in Europe in the
Introduced to the U.S. from the Netherlands soon after World
War II, veal crating was almost immediately criticized as inhumane
by both animal advocates and farmers using traditional woodlot
pasturing and group housing to fatten calves for early slaughter.
Intensive campaigning against veal crating, however, was introduced
by the Farm Animal Reform Movement and the Humane Farming Association
in the mid-1980s. FARM has organized annual Mother’s Day protests
against veal crating for more than 20 years, while HFA has placed
versions of ads similar to the one on page 5 of this edition of
ANIMAL PEOPLE in national news magazines during the holiday seasons
that mark the traditional peaks of veal consumption.

Camel jockey civil rights case refiled in Kentucky after Florida dismissal

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2007:
LEXINGTON, Ky.–Plaintiffs including the parents of five
unnamed boys who were allegedly enslaved in Dubai as camel jockeys
filed a class action lawsuit during the second week of September 2007
against Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum, brother of the ruler of
The ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bid Rashid al Maktoum, was in
Lexington, Kentucky, to attend the annual Keeneland September
Yearling Sale, where the family has reportedly paid as much as $3
million for highly regarded thoroughbred horses.
The lawsuit alleges that Sheikh Hamdan was complicit in
enslaving as many as 30,000 children during the past 30 years for use
as camel jockeys–a misnomer, since the children, sometimes as
young as four years of age, are tied to the backs of the racing
camels, and have no ability to control them. Many are thrown and
injured, or even killed.

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