Dogs Deserve Better founder charged

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


TIPTON, Pennsylvania–Dogs Deserve Better founder Tamira Ci
Thayne told ANIMAL PEOPLE on February 17, 2010 that she expects to
appeal a trespassing conviction adjudicated against her the day
before by Portage magistrate Galen Decort.
Decort fined Thayne $25 plus $167 court costs for allegedly
remaining on the property of Jason and Krystal Cann, of Lilly,
Pennsylvania, after being ordered to leave.
Decort dismissed Thayne’s video of the incident on grounds
that a video might be altered.

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Crashes kill biologists in California and Oregon

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


FRESNO, CORVALLIS–Air-craft accidents during wildlife
population counts killed five wildlife agency workers in two weeks in
January 2010.
California Department of Fish & Game biologists Clu Cotter
and Kevin O’Connor, and scientists’ aide Tom Stolberg, died on
January 4 when their helicopter hit a power line while they were
counting deer near Redinger Lake, in the Sierra National Forest.

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Florida conservationists cold toward iguanas & pythons in record chill

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


MIAMI–Conservationists rushed to help endangered sea turtles
and manatees during one of the coldest winters on record in Florida,
but many vocally hoped that the January 2010 cold snaps would
extirpate non-native iguanas and pythons.
“Anecdotally, we might have lost maybe half of the pythons,”
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission exotic species
coordinator Scott Hardin told David Fleshler and Lisa J. Huriash of
the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in mid-February, after several weeks
of doing habitat assessment.

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Beef ranchers lean on Cal Poly

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.– “Top officials at Harris Ranch are
trying to use their clout as big-money donors to censor what’s taught
at Cal Poly’s College of Agriculture,” editorialized the San Luis
Obispo Tribune News on January 17, 2010.
“Specifically,” the editorial charged, “they threatened to
withhold $500,000 in donations for a new meat-processing center,
unless the university tones down teaching about alternatives to the
traditional factory farming methods practiced by Harris Ranch.”

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Extended Canadian seal hunt kills fewest seals since 1993

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2010:


ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland–Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail
Shea on May 11, 2010 announced that the close of the 2010 Atlantic
Canada seal hunt would be extended to the end of May.
The sealing season was lengthened to give sealers an
“extended period of time to take advantage of potential market
opportunities,” said the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in a
prepared statement. Earlier, Shea increased the sealing quota to
330,000, from 280,000 in 2009, even though the European Union in
July 2009 banned imports of seal products.

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Farm animal initiative in Ohio builds on California success

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:
COLUMBUS, Ohio–Ohioans for Humane Farms,
a coalition headed by the Humane Society of the
U.S. and Farm Sanctuary, on February 1, 2010
began gathering signatures to place an initiative
on the November 2010 Ohio state ballot which, if
approved by voters, would require the Ohio
Livestock Care Standards Board to ban lifelong
confinement of veal calves, breeding sows, and
laying hens.

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Friends of Plymouth Pound & PetSmart Charities

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


After mentioning that PetSmart Charities
had achieved four million adoptions since 1992
through the PetSmart adoption centers, the
November/ December 2009 ANIMAL PEOPLE editorial
noted that “Friends of the Plymouth Pound, on
Cape Cod, called a boycott of PetSmart because,
after 10 years, the PetSmart store in Hyannis
chose to work with a different adoption partner.”
ANIMAL PEOPLE had on November 17, 2009
received an e-mail from Friends of the Plymouth
Pound board member Beth Hennessy stating, “I am
boycotting PetsMart and am encouraging everyone I
know to do so also.”
Wrote Friends of the Plymouth Pound
founder Gayle Fitzpatrick to ANIMAL PEOPLE on
January 28, 2009, “Friends of the Plymouth
Pound never called for a boycott of PetSmart. Beth
made a mistake and I am certain that this will
never happen again…She was not speaking for the

Good winter for bison

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


WEST YELLOWSTONE–Montana hunters killed only one bison who
roamed out of Yellowstone National Park during the winter of
2009-2010, after killing only one the previous winter. The state
issued 144 bison tags to members of the Nez Perce tribe, and 144 to
other Montana hunters.
During the harsh winters of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 more than
1,000 bison were either shot or trucked to slaughter after testing
positive as potential carriers of brucellosis, feared by the Montana
cattle industry, but few bison left Yellowstone during the mild past
two winters.

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Bob Barker also funds SHARK anti-pigeon shoot campaign

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2010:


HOLLYWOOD–Donating $5 million to the Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society and $1 million to Showing Animals Respect &
Kindness, former television game show host Bob Barker, 86, in
January 2010 outfitted two of the most confrontational of animal
advocacy groups for campaigns against two of the most ruthless
Named in Barker’s honor, the former Norwegian whaler Bob
Barker on January 6, 2010 joined the Sea Shepherd vessels Steve
Irwin and Ady Gil in pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet off

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