Five alleged animal fighters die in 10 days

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
DETROIT, YAZOO, DELANO–Five alleged animal fighters
died in three separate incidents during the last 10 days of January
Detroit police responding to calls about gunshots and an
anonymous call saying that bodies could be found at a particular
address on the night of January 21 found the remains of three young
men after removing 11 pit bull terriers to gain access to the

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Canada Revenue Agency moves to muzzle animal charities

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:

OTTAWA–The Canada Revenue Agency on February 5, 2011
published new regulations governing animal charities which would
revoke the nonprofit status of any who oppose vivisection, hunting,
trapping, the fur trade, seal-clubbing, animal agriculture, and
any other legal use of animals.
“Under common law, an activity or purpose is only charitable
when it provides a benefit to humans,” the Canada Revenue Agency
regulations assert. “As far back as the 19th century, the courts
have stated that promoting the welfare of animals ‘has for its
object, not merely the protection of the animals themselves, but the
advancement of morals and education among [people].’ To be
charitable, the benefit to humans must always take precedence over
any benefit to animals. If a purpose or activity that promotes the
welfare of animals harms humans, or has a real potential to cause
significant harm to humans, it is likely not charitable.”

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Agribiz trying to learn to use Twitter

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
Having formed the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance in
November 2010 to try to counter bad publicity, agribusiness fronts
including the National Corn Growers Association and National Pork
Producers Council are still trying to figure out what to do and how
to do it, reported Michael J. Crumb of Associated Press on January
31, 2011.
“The groups have been alarmed by such things as the release
of videos that show male chicks being put into grinders, egg-laying
hens in battery cages, and the mistreatment of hogs in large
confinement operations,” Crumb wrote. “The alliance has yet to
develop an action plan, but leaders said it will likely use social
media such as Twitter and a public relations campaign.”
Responded Humane Society of the U.S. factory farming campaign
manager Paul Shapiro, “It doesn’t matter what media they use.
Defending practices most Americans consider indefensible is not a
smart strategy.”

Montana governor reprieves Yellowstone bison, signs death warrant for wolves

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
BOZEMAN–U.S. District Court Judge Charles Lovell on February
13, 2011 appeared to have doomed 525 bison who were to have been
trucked to slaughter after wandering outside Yellowstone National
Park, rejecting a Buffalo Field Campaign application for an
emergency injunction against the killing. A day later, however,
Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer issued an executive order
prohibiting the transport of wild bison through Montana for 90 days.
The order means the bison and any others captured by the
National Park Service after leaving Yellowstone will have to be held
in corrals at Stephens Creek, northwest of Gardiner, until spring.

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Illinois axes subsidy for National High School Rodeo Finals

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois–The Illinois Department of
Agriculture on January 27, 2011 notified the National High School
Rodeo Association that it can no longer afford the $1 million annual
cost of underwriting the National High School Rodeo Finals, a 10-day
event held in Springfield in 2000, 2001, 2006, and 2007, due to
have returned to Springfield in 2012 and 2013.
“While Illinois is claiming cancellation of the rodeo is due
to budget cuts, the negative publicity generated by SHARK’s expose of
the rodeo’s animal cruelty year after year undoubtedly played a part
in the decision,” said SHARK founder Steve Hindi. In 2007 the
National High School Rodeo Finals lost the sponsorship of Choice
Hotels, including 11 leading midprice national motel chains, two
years before the sponsorship contract was to expire.

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Lion airlift

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
LOS ANGELES–Campaigning against animal circuses in Latin
America since 2006, Animal Defenders International on February 16,
2011 flew 24 former Bolivian circus lions to the Rocky Mountain
Wildlife Conservation Center in Keenesburg, Colorado, doing
business as the Wild Animal Sanctuary. Retired Price Is Right host
Bob Barker, who donated $2 million to fund the rescue, was present
to witness their arrival.

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Dogs Deserve Better takes option to buy Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels property

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:


TIPTON, Pennsylvania–The anti-dog chaining organization
Dogs Deserve Better has an option to purchase on football player and
convicted dogfighter Michael Vick’s former home on Moonlight Road in
rural Surrey County, Virginia.
The 15-acre estate housed Bad Newz Kennels, Vick’s
dogfighting operation. The 4,600-square-foot house where dogs were
fought remains on the property, but the Bad Newz Kennels doghouses,
training facilities, and fencing have been removed.

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LGBT Compassion files new challenge to San Francisco live markets

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
SAN FRANCISCO–Flaring again, the 142-year-old conflict
between the San Francisco humane community and the mostly ethnic
Asian owners and customers of live markets has morphed into a clash
between the city’s two most prominent minority cultures. About 45%
of the San Francisco population are of Asian descent, according to
recent polling; 14.5% declare themselves to be lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender.

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U.S. “bear product” linked to bile is synthetic

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
HONG KONG–Trying to shake bad publicity and attract
investment, a leading Chinese bear bile producer apparently planted
news items with two Wall Street Journal subsidiaries in 2009 that
paralleled bear bile farming with the work of a U.S. company founded
to develop a synthetic analog of a hormone produced by North American
black bears.

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