SHARK wins "2nd Battle of Broxton Bridge"

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

SHARK wins “2nd Battle of Broxton Bridge”

EHRHARDT,  S.C.–Showing Animals Respect & Kindness on February 12,  2012 routed fewer than two dozen pigeon shooters at the second Battle of Broxton Bridge–but the shooters,  in retreat, allegedly gunned down a SHARK drone helicopter camera platform moments after takeoff. Read more

St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center to sell Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge art collection

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center to sell Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge art collection

MADISON,  New Jersey–Hoping to raise $500,000 toward the estimated $2.3 million cost of completing a shelter that has already cost $10 million and taken more than three years to build,  St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center president Heather Cammisa on January 22,  2012 announced the forthcoming sale of 150 works from founder Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge’s extensive art collection.  “It was an emotional decision to sell the art-bittersweet,” Cammisa told Daily Record of Parsippany staff writer Cara Townsend. Read more

Another Chicken Activist’s Perspective on Federal Legal Protection for Hens


by Paul Shapiro
Senior director of farm animal protection, Humane Society of the U.S.

In 1999, United Poultry Concerns rightly lauded the passage of the European Union’s law requiring a phase-in of better treatment of egg-laying hens by 2012, including a switch from barren battery cages to enriched colony cages.

“Europe Bans Battery Hen Cages” was the UPC newsletter’s headline,  with the article continuing that caging systems will be improved by reducing stocking density,  but that cage-free would have been better.  “Historic Day for Hens,”  continued another UPC headline about the EU announcement.  The article asserted,  “It is time for the United States and Canada to climb aboard,”   adding “The vote is a victory for the birds and for our struggle on their behalf in a country that,  to date,  accords to birds and to farmed animals no federal protection at all.” Read more

Failure of Armenian s/n program brings NYC success

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

NEW YORK CITY–Newly released New York City Center for Animal Care & Control shelter surrender numbers gave Companion Animal Network founder Garo Alexanian cause for celebration on February 4, 2012–and a message for Yerevan,  the capital city of Armenia.

“After five years of virtually unchanged numbers of dog and cat surrenders to the CACC,”  Alexanian said,  “the total dropped by 15%,”  or nearly 6,000 animals,  “during 2010,  the first full year that we operated our Low Cost Vet Mobile,  and fell another 9% in 2011,  our second full year.” Read more

Meat consumption falls 12.2% amid health concerns

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

CHICAGO-“Americans will consume 12.2% less meat and poultry in 2012 than they did in 2007,”  the U.S. Department of Agriculture projected in December 2011.

Analysts ranging from the commodities trading firm CMI Group and the Daily Livestock Report mostly attributed falling meat consumption to higher feed grain prices, which have made meat and poultry more expensive.  Food writers,  however,  tended to note that the number of self-declared vegetarians in the U.S. has increased from 1% in 1971 to 3.4% in 2009. Read more

Agreement Raises Flags for Egg-Laying Hens: A Chicken Activist’s Perspective on the "New Deal"

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

Agreement Raises Flags for Egg-Laying Hens:  A Chicken Activist’s Perspective on the “New Deal”
by Karen Davis,  PhD,  founder & president of United Poultry Concerns

The January/February 2012 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE included a full-page ad headlined “It’s Time to Ban Barren Battery Cages Nationwide,”  urging readers to ask Congress to support the Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012.
The ad told us that “All the groups that have been leading the fight to ban battery cages-such as those listed below-actively support this legislation, because it’s the best opportunity to help the largest number of farm animals.” Read more

Hormel, Smithfield, & McDonald’s agree to end keeping pregnant pigs immobilized in stalls

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

Hormel,  Smithfield,  & McDonald’s agree to end keeping pregnant pigs immobilized in stalls

AUSTIN,  Minnesota–Hormel Foods,  producers of the pork product Spam since 1937,  on February 2,  2012 followed Smithfield Foods in pledging to phase out immobilizing pregnant sows in gestation stalls by 2017.

The Hormel and Smithfield pledges appeared to be strategic positioning in advance of a February 13,  2012 announcement by McDonald’s Corporation senior vice president Dan Gorsky that “McDonald’s wants to see the end of sow confinement in gestation stalls in our supply chain.  We are beginning an assessment with our U.S. suppliers to determine how to build on the work already underway to reach that goal,”  Gorsky said.  “In May,  after receiving our suppliers’ plans, we’ll share results from the assessment and our next steps.” Read more

Federal laying hen standards bill goes before Congress

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  March 2012:

Federal laying hen standards bill goes before Congress

WASHINGTON D.C.–Awaited for seven months,  a proposed federal law governing the care of laying hens was on January 23,  2012 introduced by Oregon Member of the House of Representatives Kurt Schrader.  Assigned bill number HR 3798,  the draft legislation results from a July 2011 pact between the Humane Society of the U.S. and United Egg Producers,  the largest trade association representing U.S. egg farmers.  Under the agreement,  HSUS withdrew ballot initiative campaigns seeking laying hen standards in Washington and Oregon,  in exchange for UEP collaboration in pursuit of a weaker federal standard which would govern the entire U.S. laying hen industry.

Read more

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