Another Chicken Activist’s Perspective on Federal Legal Protection for Hens
by Paul Shapiro
Senior director of farm animal protection, Humane Society of the U.S.
In 1999, United Poultry Concerns rightly lauded the passage of the European Union’s law requiring a phase-in of better treatment of egg-laying hens by 2012, including a switch from barren battery cages to enriched colony cages.
“Europe Bans Battery Hen Cages” was the UPC newsletter’s headline, with the article continuing that caging systems will be improved by reducing stocking density, but that cage-free would have been better. “Historic Day for Hens,” continued another UPC headline about the EU announcement. The article asserted, “It is time for the United States and Canada to climb aboard,” adding “The vote is a victory for the birds and for our struggle on their behalf in a country that, to date, accords to birds and to farmed animals no federal protection at all.” Read more