Who is this Leo Grillo?
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 1998:
ACTON, Calif.––Halfway from the Dedication and
Everlasting Love To Animals Rescue shelter to actress Tippi
Hedren’s Shambala sanctuary for exotic cats and elephants,
located six miles west on the same road, D.E.L.T.A. Rescue
founder Leo Grillo hit his brakes, swerved his four-wheel
drive vehicle off the pavement, and made a quick U-turn.
Instant hypothesis #1: Grillo missed a turnoff. But
there wasn’t supposed to be one.
Hypothesis #2: Grillo forgot something. That notion
was dashed when he cut to his right, down a steep dirt road
that was almost a washout, toward a railway crossing.
Hypothesis #3: Grillo lost his mind, four-wheel
drive or not.