From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 1994:

The politics of rabies took a twist
on April 1 when in all seriousness Patricia
Munoz, public health director for
Washington County, New York, told the
county public health committee that she need-
ed an infectious disease control nurse on her
staff to handle the growing rabies-related
caseload. The Washington County public
health department handled about 500 more
cases of all types during the first three months
of 1994, including 16 cases of possible expo-
sure to rabid animals. Munoz got the com-
mittee to recommend the hiring, then dis-
closed that the nurse would also handle
hepatitis and salmonella cases, both of which
are far more numerous.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 1994:

The American Association for the
Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
put the animal care program at the Davis cam-
pus of the University of California on proba-
tion for six months in mid-April, stating that
the lack of a centralized system for enforcing
care standards has led to uneven and some-
times inadequate care, including cages that are
too small and dirty, and rat infestations of
holding facilities.

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Nuisance wildlife: swans as goose control

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 1994:

Nuisance wildlife control
experts in the upper midwest
report that mute swans may be the
best brake on the proliferation of
giant nonmigratory Canada geese.
Wildlife agencies in Atlantic coast
states from Rhode Island to Georgia
have practiced aggressive mute swan
“control” via egg-addling for about a
decade, after mute swan sightings
during the annual National Audubon
Society Christmas bird counts dou-
bled. Not noting that the number of
people out counting birds had also
doubled, the agencies warned that
the Atlantic coast was on the verge
of a mute swan population explo-
sion, 150 years after they were first
imported from England; blamed
swans for causing the decline of
heavily hunted migratory waterfowl;

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Woofs and growls

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 1994:

Animals and wildlife get
7% of the charity dollar in Britain,
4% in Canada, 2% in Spain, and
just 1% each in France and the
U.S., says a new study by the
Charities Aid Foundation––but the
figures aren’t directly comparable,
since medical care is primarily a
government reponsibility in the other
nations but remains heavily subsi-
dized by charity in the U.S.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 1994:

Bill Petersen, county commission
chair in Glades County, Florida, is leading
an effort to ban “hog dog rodeos,” in which
dogs are set upon semi-feral pigs in enclosed
arenas. The winner is the owner whose dog
brings down a pig the fastest. Held in Glades,
Highlands, and Hardee counties, “hog dog
rodeos” are popular with hunters, says pro-
moter Roger Vickery.
The World Society for the
Protection of Animals seeks letters protest-
ing the Jaripeo rodeo, held each February 23
in San Matias, El Salvador, in which a clown
bites a calf’s tongue and pulls it back as far as
he can stretch it. Address Lic. Carlos
Hilermann, Presidente, Inst. Salvadoreno de
Turismo, Calle Ruben Dario 619, San
Salvador, El Salvador.

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Endangered ocean species

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

Russian whaling commissioner
Alexei Yablokov on February 21 confirmed
that Soviet whalers for decades killed far
more whales than they reported to the
International Whaling Commission. For
instance, he said, in the 1960s one ship reported
killing 152 humpbacked whales and 156 blue
whales, but actually killed 7,207 humpbacks,
1,433 blue whales, and 717 right whales, a
species protected by the IWC since 1946.
Another ship killed 1,568 humpbacks and 1,200
right whales during the winter of 1961-1962,
but reported none of the right whales while the
USSR said its entire fleet killed only 270 hump-
backs all year. Two years later the same ship
killed 530 blue whales; the USSR said the fleet
total was just 74. The revelations mean IWC
estimates of whale numbers may be far too high.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

The Clinton administration on
February 23 unveiled a management plan
for 24 million acres of public land in the
Pacific Northwest that cuts the rate of log-
ging to 20% of the pace in the 1980s. Most
of the 5.3 million acres of old growth on the
public lands will be off limits, to protect
spotted owls and more than 1,000 other old
growth-dependent species. Although the
plan will make permanent the layoffs of
about 9,500 forest products workers, it is
expected to be what The New York Times
called “the final blueprint” for settling the
spotted owl crisis. Studies of the impact of
logging on spotted owls go on; critics of owl
protection may enjoy the March 13 disclo-
sure that the Seattle Center for Wildlife
Conservation is getting $107,000 from the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to check spot-
ted owl guano from logging areas for hor-
monal signs of stress.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

Canadian environment minister Sheila Copps,
whose gracelessness earned her the nickname “Leader of
the rat pack” during her years as a Parliamentary back-
bencher, disrupted a meeting of top environmental offi-
cials from the seven major Western industrialized nations
on March 12 by denouncing the European Community ban
on seal pelt imports, the pending EC ban on imports of
pelts trapped by cruel methods, and opposition to the cur-
rent Canadian seal hunt. Copps claimed an alleged popula-
tion explosion of seals is causing the collapse of the
Atlantic Canada fishing industry, despite strong biological
evidence that seals do not eat many fish of the most com-
mercially valued species.

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Hunting & Fishing

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 1994:

A bill to ban pigeon shoots includ-
ing the notorious Labor Day shoot in Hegins
fell three votes short of clearing the
Pennsylvania state house on March 8––and
actually drew a majority of the votes cast, 99-
93. However, 103 votes would have been
required to pass the bill from the 202-member
house to the state senate. Though the bill
would almost certainly have failed in the sen-
ate, where 38 of the 48 members have ‘A’ rat-
ings from the National Rifle Association, the
vote was a marked advance from 1989, when
the house defeated a similar bill, 126-66.
The Colorado house finance com-
mittee on February 16 killed as contrary to the
expressed intent of the electorate a bill that
would have reauthorized spring bear hunting
and hunting bears with hounds and bait––all of
which were banned by referendum in 1992.

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