From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November 1994:
British link veal and brain damage
Rejected by most veterinary authorities, the hypothesis
advanced by Cornell veterinary student Michael Greger via Farm
Sanctuary that there may be a link between bovine spongiform
encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease gained slightly
more weight on October 7 when the United Kingdom CJD
Surveillance Unit reported that, “A study of the eating habits of
people with CJD showed some statistical associations with the eat-
ing of various meat products, particularly veal.” Veal calves are
fed milk replacers which contain processed slaughterhouse offal,
and therefore could sometimes contain the remains of animals who
had either BSE or scrapie, a similar disease found in sheep. CJD
appears some years after infection, and like BSE, leads to paraly-
sis, blindness, dementia, and death. An ongoing BSE epidemic,
now waning, has hit more than 130,000 cattle in Britain since
1986. CJD is comparatively rare, killing 40-50 Britons a year.