LGBT Compassion files new challenge to San Francisco live markets

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 2011:
SAN FRANCISCO–Flaring again, the 142-year-old conflict
between the San Francisco humane community and the mostly ethnic
Asian owners and customers of live markets has morphed into a clash
between the city’s two most prominent minority cultures. About 45%
of the San Francisco population are of Asian descent, according to
recent polling; 14.5% declare themselves to be lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender.

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Chinese activists object to Canadian deal to sell seal meat & oil to China

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:

BEIJING,  HALIFAX--Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail Shea on January 12,  2011 announced to news media by teleconference call from Beijing that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Chinese Administration of Quality Supervision have reached an agreement which will allow Canadian sealers to export seal meat and oil to China for human consumption. Read more

EDITORIAL: Empowerment through understanding the phases of a cause

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:

Editorial feature:
Empowerment through understanding the phases of a cause

Social Movement Empowerment Project founder Bill Moyer was last mentioned in ANIMAL PEOPLE in his obituary,  published in our January/February 2003 edition.  His insights,  however,  have helped to inform almost every ANIMAL PEOPLE editorial.

A key strategist for Martin Luther King’s 1966 open housing campaign in Chicago,  Moyer after 1972  spent the rest of his life teaching advocacy tactics.  At invitation of ANIMAL PEOPLE president Kim Bartlett,  who was then editor of the long defunct Animals’ Agenda magazine,  and Friends of Animals president Priscilla Feral, Moyer in September 1989 visited Stamford,  Connecticut,  to present one of his Movement Action Plan workshops to about 40 leaders of national animal rights groups. Read more

Spanish national broadcasting agency banishes bullfights to protect children

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:


MADRID–The Spanish national broadcasting agency,  Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (RTVE)  on January 8,  2011 made official that it will no longer televise bullfights.


RTVE “has not shown bullfighting in any of its programs for months,  citing low audience ratings and budget problems,”  wrote Associated Press correspondent Harold Heckle. RTVE made the de facto exclusion of bullfights from broadcasts official in the 2011 edition of the corporate stylebook.  A chapter titled “Violence against animals” says RTVE has ceased broadcasting bullfighting in part because bullfights are usually held at hours when children are likely to be watching. Read more

Oslo Fashion Week bans fur from catwalk

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:

-Oslo Fashion Week founder Pål Vasbotten on January 8,  2011 confirmed to ANIMAL PEOPLE that the only Norwegian fashion event of global note has banned fur from the catwalks. Oslo Fashion Week, held twice a year since 2004,  will next be celebrated from February 15 through February 21,  2011.

Unconfirmed reports quoting Vasbotten with a variety of different attributions circulated for more than two weeks before the Oslo Fashion Week web site first mentioned the ban by including a third-hand account by Katherine Sweet of the fashion publication Radar. Sweet reported that Vasbotten told The Huffington Post that banning fur from the catwalk “has been a very natural choice for us because we do not want [Oslo Fashion Week] to appear as an arena in which to promote products based on the treatment of animals [as] prohibited by animal welfare concerns in several countries.” Read more

SHARK Octocopter drone allegedly shot down while documenting Pennsylvania pigeon shoot

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  January/February 2011:

HAMBURG,  Pennsylvania
–An Octocopter drone video camera platform snagged in a tall tree guarantees that Showing Animals Respect & Kindness (SHARK) will continue to keep an eye on the Wing Pointe gun club near Hamburg,  Pennsylvania for some time to come, while pursuing legal action to get the Octocopter back.

The case appears likely to ensure that SHARK and Wing Pointe will meet in court,  but not necessarily in connection with the cruelty prosecution SHARK has tried to press against Wing Pointe since retrieving 21 wounded but living pigeons from a “dead pile” after a pigeon shoot on December 5,  2010. Read more

SHARK vs. Wing Pointe pigeon shoots

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2010:


HAMBURG, Pennsylvania–Showing Animals Respect and Kindness
will try again to find a way to pursue legal action against pigeon
shoots at the Wing Pointe resort in Hamburg, SHARK founder Steve
Hindi told ANIMAL PEOPLE on December 6, 2010, after rescuing 21
wounded pigeons from a “dead” pile following a shoot the day before.
SHARK in November 2010 found three surviving pigeons in the
same heap, “but Berks County district attorney John Adams, who has
received campaign donations from pigeon shooters, has so far killed
any attempt to have cruelty citations filed against pigeon shoots,”
Hindi said.

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Editorial: The renewed potential of online petitions

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2010:

ANIMAL PEOPLE has never circulated a petition, online or
otherwise. Yet one of our frequent functions in recent years is
helping to inform and inspire online petition drives–and,
sometimes, to point out that a petition may do more harm than good.
The popularity of petitions as a protest tactic perhaps began
with the success of English nobility in obliging King John to assent
to the Magna Carta at Runnymede in June 1215. The Declaration of
Independence, addressed by American colonists to King George III,
reinforced the lesson on July 4, 1776. Subsequent petitioners have
often lost sight of the two elements that made these petitions
memorably effective. The first was that in either case the signers
were influential constituents of the king whom they sought to
persuade. The second was that their actions had consequence. When
John Hancock stepped forward to become first to sign the Declaration
of Independence, his action had moral force because he put more than
just his name on the line. This is what inspired others to add their
signatures to his and then tax themselves heavily to back their words
with the effort to introduce a new regime.

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Tamira Thayne Protest

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2010:
Dogs Deserve Better founder Tamira Thayne from August 2 until
October 14, 2010 spent 10 hours each working day, 52 days in all,
chained to the steps of the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg
to promote an anti-chaining bill, which died when the legislative
session ended.
California, Connecticut, Nevada, and Texas already limit
the length of time that dogs can be left chained, along with
hundreds of municipalities. Prolonged chaining is believed to make
dogs more territorial and therefore more dangerous.
About a third of fatal dog attacks on children are by chained
dogs. Brianna Nicole Shanor, 8, whose photo is on Thayne’s
doghouse, was killed by a chained Rottweiler in Hanover,
Pennsylvania, on January 19, 2009.

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