Homeowners are liable for guests’ dog attacks

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2010:


MADISON–The Wisconsin Supreme Court on December 29, 2009
ruled unanimously that a homeowner is accountable for injuries
inflicted by a dog who lives in the home, even if the dog belongs to
someone else.
The verdict upheld an appellate court finding that Nancy
Seefeldt of Menasha was the “keeper” of a dog who injured passer-by
Colleen Pawlowski in October 2003, and that Seefeldt was therefore
responsible for the dog’s behavior.

The dog was one of two belonging to Walter Waterman, an
acquaintance of Seefeldt’s daughter, who had lived in the home for
about four months when the attack occurred.
As Waterman “left town and could not be found,” recounted
Associated Press writer Scott Bauer, “Pawlowski sued Seefeldt and
her insurer. The case will head back to the trial court to determine
how much Pawlowski is owed in damages.”

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