Why the African bushmeat traffic goes on by Karl Amman
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2000:
(Guest essay reprinted from SWARA, journal of the East Africa Wildlife Society, P.O. Box 20110, Nairobi, Kenya.)
What would happen if we got Bill Gates––who once took his executives to see the gorillas at Kahuzi Biega and later took his honeymoon among the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains––to sit down with Ted Turner, Richard Leakey, and Richard Bronson to talk conservation?
We could give them the status of conservation in Central Africa in general, and the bushmeat issue in particular, as a case study, and ask them to draw up a business-like master plan.
I would like to predict that the resulting document would describe a drastically different approach from current attempts to deal with what is now recognized as a major conservation crisis. And that is what is needed. A drastic new approach might very well represent the last chance for most of Central Africa’s primates and other wildlife.