Squash standings
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1998:
MENTOR, Ohio––Drivers can
avoid roadkills and stay out of accidents,
suggests data gathered since 1993 by Mentor,
Ohio transportation department employee
Cathy Strah, by looking out for rabbits in
spring; Canada geese, raccoons, skunks,
and squirrels in late summer; and deer in fall.
Adding 1997 data to the four-year
totals analyzed in the March 1997 edition of
ANIMAL PEOPLE mostly confirms previous
findings. Strah has now recorded particulars
of 3113 roadkills picked up by Mentor
town crews, an average of 622 per year. The
lowest annual total was 456 in 1996, after the
harsh winter of 1995-1996; the highest was
778, a year earlier; and the 1997 total was
668, the closest yet to the norm.