From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1995:
Susan de Treville, 44, board mem-
ber and cofounder of The Mountain Lion
Foundation, also founder of the California
Wildlife Conservancy, died in October after a
prolonged struggle against brain cancer. A
San Diego resident, she left two young daugh-
ters, Joy Wallen and Amanda Sitton. Wrote
colleague Sharon Negri, “She was a skilled
biologist with a passion and love for animals.
From 1972 through 1976, Susan and Larry
Sitton conducted lion telemetry research in
Hunter Liggett, a rugged, mountainous range
in Big Sur, and were the first in California to
study range sizes and male/female lion interac-
tions. While big cats were her first love,
Susan also published two children’s coloring
books, worked on coastal and water quality
issues with the Environmental Defense Fund
and the Coastal Conservancy, and managed
her own consulting business. Susan’s two
daughters have scattered her ashes in mountain
lion terrain in the Hunter Liggett study area.”
Vito Torrelli, 63, died December
22 in New York City after an eight-month
struggle against brain cancer. A bachelor,
Torrelli devoted much his life after taking
early retirement from a career as an Internal
Revenue Service supervisor of auditors to
photographing animal rights events and per-
sonalities. He contributed photos to numer-
ous animal protection groups and publica-
tions, including ANIMAL PEOPLE, but
never accepted payment. He also did the cin-
ematography for a vegan cable TV cooking
show hosted by Marilyn Mason. An accom-
plished pianist, Torrelli was active as well
with the Mario Lanza Association, Play
Schools Association (a theatrical group),
Italian American Cultural Roundtable, and
the Turtle Bay Association. His cats Fox,
Rex, and Serena have been adopted by long-
time friend Peggy Parker.