BOOKS: The Dog I.Q. Test

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1995:

The Dog I.Q. Test, by Melissa
Miller. Penguin Books (375 Hudson
St., New York, NY 10014), 1994.
175 pages, paperback. $7.95.
You probably don’t need to give
your dog an I.Q. test to know he’s no rocket
scientist––but because I’m not a rocket sci-
entist either, I tested the test by completing
Miller’s questionaires for each of our three
dogs and myself. Our German shepherd,
Tasha, predictably outscored 85% of all
dogs, while our lab/spaniel mix, Francesca,
scored dimmer than 85%. Our husky mix
Zooky, however, scored just one point
below Tasha, which probably explains why
I’m not smart enough get her to obey any
command but “Come eat the cat puke.”
Meanwhile, I learned I am supposed to be
smart enough to handle huskies, but not to
handle a shepherd. Fortunately Tasha dis-
agrees. She thinks throwing a ball takes the
same genius as rocketry.
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