Animals in laboratories
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1995:
Legislation In Support of Animals has asked the Department of the Interior for a sta-
tus report on the condition of about 100 sooty mangabey monkeys kept by the Delta Primate
Center at Tulane University. Explains LISA president Jeff Dorson, “After an intense lobbying
effort, Tulane obtained a federal permit to buy wild or captive sooty mangabeys from west and
central Africa and through interstate commerce in
1987. The permit allows Tulane to buy up to 150 of
these endangered monkeys for use in leprosy exper-
iments, and is good for 10 years. In granting the
permit, however, the National Institutes of Health
agreed to fund, conduct, and complete a survey to
determine the remaining number of wild primates in
west and central Africa. The survey would cost tax-
payers $250,000. The agreement also stipulated
that Tulane would set up a captive breeding pro-
gram for sooty mangabeys. If the survey was not
completed, Delta would be forced to release 150
sooty mangabeys from their breeding colony.”
Seven years into the contract period, Dorson said,
“I am suspicious about the existence of any survey.
In the 412-page report on this subject released to us
under the Freedom of Information Act, there is no
mention of any work being done to fulfill this part
of the contract. Nor does the agreement specifiy a
data for the completion of this project, which
makes it impossible to enforced.”
Vanny Chian Technology, of Hong
K o n g, has set up a $2 million subsidiary called
Nanofanny in Dong Nai province, Vietnam, to
breed monkeys for laboratory use. Beginning with
3,100 monkeys, the firm hopes to have 15,000 on
site within two years––which would make it the
world’s largest primate facility.
The Ohio Supreme Court ruled on
December 21 that Ohio State University must
provide the names and work addresses of animal
researchers to attorney Shawn Thomas, inas-
much as they “serve to document the organization,
functions, and operations of OSU’s animal research
activities.” Thomas had requested copies of all uni-
versity records from 1991 to 1994 pertaining to the
activist groups Protect Our Earth’s Treasures;
Students for Animals; Save Pets From Abuse,
Research, and Euthanasia; and any other humane
advocacy organizations. He received 92 pages of
material, but with the names and addresses of
researchers deleted. The Animal Rights Coalition
on November 15 filed a suit against the University
of Minnesota under that state’s Data Practices Act,
under almost identical circumstances.
Dave Sickles of the Ohio activist group
Stop Taking Our Pets seeks the signatures of
nurses, physicians, and veterinarians on a petition
opposing pound seizure. Contact him c/o POB
5885, Akron, OH 44372-5885.