From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 1993:
Editor’s note: The people grouped under the heading “Animal Collectors,”
below, call themselves animal rescuers. The others, purportedly, sought to make
money. In each case, however, regardless of alleged motive, the pathology and cir –
cumstances of the perpetrators seems to be the same. As humane investigator Lewis R.
Plumb of the Promotion of Animal Welfare Society in Paradise, California wrote about
a case he and his wife prosecuted, “When two people are living in a mobile home with
hundreds of dogs, with feces all over the floors and even on the bed, when in one small
container a mother poodle nurses two dead puppies who have been left in the cage,
when three dead puppies are in the freezer next to a frozen turkey and some ice cream,
then you get the idea that it just maybe is not so much criminality as insanity. How
should these people be humanely dealt with? As it is now, each felony cruelty count
under California law carries a maximum penalty of one year is prison, a maximum fine