Misunderstanding over what HFAC “Certified Humane” means
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 2008:
WASHINGTON D.C.–A mix-up by Eggology liquid egg white
company founder Brad Halpern and publicist Amy Dunn about the
relationship between the Humane Farm Animal Care “Certified Humane”
program and the Humane Society of the U.S. led to late-summer
headaches for both HFAC and HSUS, after the web site
www.HumaneMyth.org alleged that HSUS had endorsed Eggology despite
opposing debeaking hens, which HFAC allows.
The HumaneMyth web site was launched in June 2008 by Tribe of
Heart sanctuary founders and video producers James LaVeck and Jenny
Stein in response to “An idea propagated by the animal-using industry
and some animal protection organizations that it is possible to use
and kill animals in a manner that can be fairly described as
respectful or compassionate or humane.”