
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

New head of USFWS
faces fight to renew ESA
WASHINGTON D.C.– Nominated
by President Bill Clinton to head the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, forester Mollie Beattie
of Grafton, Vermont is expected to be Interior
Secretary Bruce Babbitt’s chief mapmaker, as
the administration seeks to secure renewal of a
strong Endangered Species Act by reorienting
the law to protect critical habitat rather than
individual species.
Her main duty, she told Burlington
Free Press reporter Nancy Bazilchuk upon
receiving word of her nomination, will be to
“map and inventory the country’s ecosystems,
so we know which ones are scarcest and need
more protection.”

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

Over the past 28 years, the Land and Water
Conservation Fund financed by offshore oil and gas
drilling royalties has raised more than $9 billion, the
revenues from which––$900 million a year––were sup-
posed to have been spent on acquiring land for national
parks and wildlife refuges. However, the Ronald
Reagan and George Bush administrations gradually
diverted the money elsewhere. The current federal bud-
get, Bush’s last, allocated only $284 million for land
acquisition, and Bill Clinton’s proposed budget cuts that
24%, to just $208 million.
China has set aside 77,000 square miles in
northern Tibet as a wildlife sanctuary––an area the
size of South Dakota. More than 125,000 square miles
of the remote Himalayan nation had already been
reserved for wildlife. Nearly 40% of Tibet is now offi-
cially protected habitat for yaks, snow leopards, rare
high-altitude sheep, and a vareity of antelope species.
New York City has announced plans to sepa-
rate the Central Park Reservoir from the city water
system later this year. The reservoir, one of the critical
habitats for New York’s urban wildlife, may be added to
the park area intact––or may be drained, filled, and
converted into athletic fields.

Alaska revives plan to strafe wolves

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

JUNEAU, Alaska––Just six months after an
international tourism boycott forced the Alaska Board of
Game to rescind a plan to strafe radio-collared wolves,
the board is ready to ratify essentially the same
plan––unless it ratifies one even deadlier.
On the agenda for the June 26 meeting of the
Board of Game are 92 separate wolf management pro-
posals, including two from the state Department of Fish
and Game that differ from last winter’s proposal mainly
in that they would encourage killing as many wolves as
possible from the ground before the air strikes begin.
Hunters and trappers would be given the radio collar
frequencies, so that they could trace each wolf pack in
the Delta and Fortymile areas, south of Fairbanks, right
to their dens. The killing could start as early as July 1.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

Trying to find out why a pair of peregrine falcons have been
unable to produce eggs in five years of nesting atop Terminal Tower in
downtown Cleveland, raptor expert Harvey Webster of the Cleveland
Museum of Natural History captured the female on April 30––and learned
she was a sterile hybrid of a peregrine and a prairie falcon, illegally bred
by a falconer whose leather tethers remained on her legs. The falcon was
sent to the University of Minnesota aviary for live study. Her mate, who
in 1988 was the first captive-bred peregrine released in Ohio, is expected
to find another female soon, as several others have recently been seen in
the area.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

The National Marine Fisheries Service on
April 29 issued fishing quotas on 39 shark species
native along the U.S. coast from Maine to Texas, and
banned catching sharks just to cut off their fins, which
command high prices in China, Japan and Southeast
Asia. The action is intended to prevent the slow-breed
ing and heavily hunted sharks from becoming endan
gered. A total ban on commercial pursuit of the great
white shark, tiger shark, and black tip shark is under
consideration. West coast sharks were not protected
because, NMFS spokespersons said, they are already
covered by various state laws.

Whaling ban holds

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

TOKYO, Japan––The 47th annual meeting of
the International Whaling Commission concluded May 14
with the 1986 ban on commercial whaling still
intact––and Japan and Norway still threatening to follow
Iceland in quitting the treaty that holds the IWC together.
Norway has already announced that it will
resume commercial whaling this summer, risking trade
sanctions from the United States. Meanwhile, Norway
and Japan are already harpooning 100 and 300 minke
whales apiece per year for “research.” The rudimentary
research ends in each nation with the whale meat on
restaurant tables. Claiming that the Southern Hemisphere
minke whale population is up to 760,000 and out of dan-
ger, Japan wants to kill 2,000 a year. The Japanese gov-
ernment is also desperately worried that the IWC will
extend its authority from minkes, the smallest of the great
whales, to smaller cetaceans such as dolphins and porpois-
es. As with the great whales, some species of dolphins
and porpoises have been driven close to extinction by
aggressive huntiing, and public opinion in most of the
developed nations favors protecting them.

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From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

Stung by criticism of panda rental deals, which have enabled some U.S. zoos to rake in millions of dollars by
spending several hundred thousand dollars to borrow a giant panda from China, the American Association of Zoological
Parks and Aquariums adopted a comprehensive giant panda conservation action plan on April 23. Under the plan,
AAZPA will for the first time station a species survival coordinator in China, at cost of $100,000 a year, to make sure
money paid by U.S. zoos for panda and panda habitat protection is actually spent for the stated purpose. China is presently
receiving more than $1 million a year from AAZPA members in connection with panda rentals, but indications are that
much of the money is diverted, as was a considerable portion of the $2.5 million the World Wildlife Fund sent to China
for panda protection between 1961 and 1986. The budget for a WWF-funded panda breeding facility included building a
town-sized hydroelectric plant––and the breeding facility, for all the spending, had produced only one stillborn panda cub
as of 1990. Wildlife Conservation Society science director George Schaller, author of The Last Panda, praised the
AAZPA action as a step in the right direction. Meanwhile, concerned that money for pandas might stop coming if the last
thousand left in the wild and last 100 in captivity die without reproducing, China has over the past year announced the cre-
ation or expansion of 14 panda reserves, and the birth of 13 pandas in captivity, of whom 11 are still alive. Panda loans
continue: the San Diego Zoo has just agreed to pay China $1 million a year for each of the next three years to borrow a
breeding pair, and may renew the deal for up to 10 years.

Animal Control & Rescue

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

The North Shore Animal League
on May 13 became official sponsor of Spay
USA. NSAL sponsorship is expected to
result in a major expansion of the program,
a hotline to help pet owners locate afford-
able neutering (1-800-248-SPAY; 375-
6627 in Connecticut).
The New York State Humane
Association is supporting 13 bills to
strengthen state humane laws, including
measures to set up a state Animal
Population Control Fund similar to those in
New Jersey and Connecticut, and to give
judges the authority to take animals away
from convicted abusers. New York resi-
dents may get details from 914-255-7099.

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Mountain lion mix-up

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:

Last October, Predator Project Newsletter extensively
quoted and paraphrased from a letter by Michael Horan of Eagle’s
Nest, New Mexico, protesting the relocation of 13 mountain lions
as part of a study of their population dynamics which has yielded
strong evidence that the species should not be hunted. Horan linked
the relocation to older and ongoing mountain lion killing projects
undertaken to protect livestock.
Various animal protection groups picked up and echoed
Horan’s claims, condensing his account each time, dropping source
identification, and eventually adding appeals for letters of protest to
be addressed to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
Then someone, remembering that the original item had been pub-
lished on newsprint, wrongly cited ANIMAL PEOPLE as the
source, although the first issue of ANIMAL PEOPLE hadn’t even
gone to press yet when Horan wrote his letter.

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