Animal control & rescue
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1997:
The SPCA of Texas, formerly the
Dallas SPCA, recently celebrated the one hundred
thousandth pet sterilization since it began
offering on-site neutering surgery in 1976. In
1996, the SPCA of Texas––which claims a
92% adoption rate––placed 10,091 animals in
new homes, and neutered 11,601.
Because the Argentine senate clerk
“accidentally” sent a 1995 update and revision
of the Argentine Criminal Law for the Protection
of Animals to the wrong committee after it
was approved by the legislature, the bill was to
die due to inaction on November 30––despite
the signatures of more than 150,000 Argentine
citizens who signed petitions favoring it. At
deadline the Club de Animales Felices asked
the world to e-mail messages of support for passage
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