Obama administration re-elected, moves quickly to placate hunters

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  November/December 2012:

WASHINGTON D.C.–Barack Obama,  the first non-hunting U.S. president since Harry Truman, was re-elected on November 6,  2012 by a margin of 53% to 47% for opponent Mitt Romney–whose vice presidential running mate,  Wisconsin member of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan,  made much of his enthusiasm for bowhunting.

But,  while Obama probably owed no political debts to the hunting lobby,  the Obama administration on November 20,  2012 reiterated endorsement of the Sportsmen’s Act,  S. 3525, introduced before the election by Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana),  incorporating 19 legislative goals of the National Rifle Association and the pro-hunting National Wildlife Federation.     Read more

EDITORIAL: Politics, personal conduct, & the Vegan Police


From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  October 2012: (Actually published on November 1,  2012.)

Long before the Scott Pilgrim comic series introduced the Vegan Police duo,  a male hippie and an apparent Buddhist monk who metamorphized into a more conventionally police-like pair in the 2010 film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World;  long before there was a Vegan Police blog site discussing the interface of race,  politics, gender,  and diet;   and decades before the term “vegan police” entered mainstream usage,  the vegan police vigorously critiqued animal advocacy. Read more

Libertarian appeal to Supreme Court stalls Costa Rican hunting ban

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  October 2012: (Actually published on November 1,  2012.)

SAN JOSE,  Costa Rica–Fourteen lawmakers led by eight members of the Libertarian Movement party on October 4,  2012 stalled the anticipated passage of a Costa Rican national ban on sport hunting by asking the Constitutional Chamber of the Costa Rican Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of the ban,  which would be central to a new national Wildlife Act.

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Kenya hunting ban under fire

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  October 2012: (Actually published on November 1,  2012.)


NAIROBI,  Kenya–The Kenyan cabinet on October 11,  2012 ratified plans to hold a national election on March 4,  2013,  and with that certain to grab the media spotlight,  ratified a new national wildlife policy,  leaving the African Network for Animal Welfare “very busy yet again battling machinations to introduce sport hunting through the back door,  mobilizing communities and civil society organizations at a very short notice,”  ANAW founder Josphat Ngonyo e-mailed to ANIMAL PEOPLE.

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