Other prominent pit bull cases

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
“Two months after a tipster reported seeing emaciated dogs
and dry water bowls” at the home of rap star DMX in Cave Creek,
Arizona, “there have been no arrests,” reported Carol Sowers of the
Arizona Republic on October 6, 2007. American SPCA forensic
veterinarian Melinda Merck reported after performing necropsies on
August 18 that she was unable to determine the causes of death of
three pit bull terriers who were found buried on the premises.
Guns, marijuana, and cocaine were also found on the property.
“Brad Blackwell, who had been hired to care for the pit
bulls, told deputies that the buried dogs were likely in the house
in cages and died after the air conditioning broke down,” Sowers
wrote. A different vet told the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
that the dogs were suffering from valley fever, an infectious lung
disease. Blackwell told the sheriff’s office that he had told DMX,
whose actual name is Earl Simmons, that he could look after the dogs
“just for a couple of days” before going on vacation.
“We are still interviewing possible witnesses,” Sheriff Joe
Arpaio told Sowers.

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Vick case has impact across the U.S.

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
CINCINNATI, NORFOLK, RICHMOND–The National Football League
on September 29, 2007 narrowly avoided embarrassment in yet another
instance of violence against animals when Paul Brown Stadium Limited
withdrew a request to the city of Cincinnati to shoot pigeons prior
to Cincinnati Bengals home games.
Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney had authorized the shooting,
wrote Mark Curnutte of the Cincinnati Inquirer, “but only after
other methods had been tried. PETA representatives jumped on the
issue, urging mayor Mark Mallory to stop any bird killings. They
said they would help stadium officials with ways to get rid of the
The Cincinnati pigeon issue blew up soon after PETA reaped a
publicity harvest from the aftermath of the plea bargain conviction
of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for felony conspiracy in
connection with dogfighting.

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First conviction in Scotland for badger-baiting

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
EDINBURGH–Craig Morrison, 22, on
October 9, 2007 became the first person to be
convicted of badger baiting in Scotland under the
Protection of Badgers and Protection of Wild
Mammals acts, passed in 2004 and 2002.
Charged with nine offenses on March 29,
2007, Morrison pleaded guilty to three of them
in the Kilmamock Sheriff Court. Sheriff Seith
Ireland deferred sentencing, pending receipt of
witness statements that he said “could make the
difference between a custodial sentence or
community service.”
“Prosecutors requested Morrison’s dogs be
taken from him permanently and an order be made
to ban Morrison from keeping animals. They also
asked the court for Morrison to be liable for the
£3,000 costs of housing the dogs since they were
seized from him in March,” wrote Robert McAulay
of The Scotsman.

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Pro-hunting Nature Conservancy president quits

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
ARLINGTON, Va.–Steven J. McCormick,
56, president of The Nature Conservancy since
December 2000, abruptly resigned on October 1,
2007, effective immediately. His successor has
not been selected.
A 30-year Nature Conservancy employee,
McCormick took over the national organization
after his predecessor, John Sawhill, died from
diabetes. While Nature Conservancy policies have
always favored hunting, fishing, and trapping,
McCormick –himself an avid hunter–moved TNC
into closer alignment with hunting, fishing,
and trapping advocacy organizations.
McCormick previously directed the Nature
Conservancy of California for 16 years,
presiding over the acquisition of Santa Cruz
Island to become a part of Channel Island
National Park and efforts to exterminate
non-native animals on the island.

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“Future of Hunting” TV show and future of hunting itself in question

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:

BENNINGTON, Vt.–Vermont Supreme Court Justice Brian Burgess
on October 5, 2007 amended the conditions of release for The Future
of Hunting cable television show host Kevin M. Hoyt, 37, who on
August 27, 2007 pleaded innocent to felony charges of lewd and
lascivious conduct.
The Future of Hunting features expenses-paid “dream hunts” by
children. Recent episodes were reportedly taped in Alabama, Ohio,
and Tennessee.
Hoyt, according to a September 2005 profile by Pam Belluck
of The New York Times, “quit a job as a structural steel draftsman a
few years ago and decided to dedicate himself to getting children
across the country interested in hunting. Hoyt, a father of five
children under age 13, says he is committed to recruiting younger

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Taking water from puppies?

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
SACRAMENTO–California Governor Arnold Sc-warzenegger on
October 14, 2007 endorsed into law a new set of regulations for pet
As with other legislation adopted in the most populous U.S.
state, the new regulations may become the default standard for the
pet industry throughout the U.S. Whether that would be good remains
a subject of bitter debate among California animal advocates.
The new law, introduced as AB 1347 by Assembly member Anna
Caballero, somewhat parallels a bill promoted by the Animal
Protection Institute that Schwarzenegger vetoed in 2006.
Said the API victory announcement, “AB 1347 was brought forth
by Petco and the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council as a result of
API’s sponsored legislation introduced in 2006. The original
language in AB 1347 would have protected the pet industry, but
failed to protect animals in custody of the industry. API and other
animal protection advocates invested considerable effort in helping
to transform AB 1347 into legislation that actually elevates the
standards of care for pet shop animals.”

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Legal path clear for California communities to ban declawing

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
SAN FRANCISCO–California cities and counties may ban
declawing cats, the California Supreme Court affirmed on October 10,
2007, refusing to hear an appeal filed by the California Veterinary
Medical Association against a West Hollywood ordinance adopted in
2003. The West Hollywood ordinance is the only local anti-declawing
law in California, but other communities are expected to adopt
similar legislation now that the legal path is clear.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, for instance,
passed a non-binding anti-declawing resolution in 2003, and filed a
brief in support of West Hollywood when the CVMA case reached the
appellate level. Matt Dorsey, spokesperson for San Francisco city
attorney Dennis Herrera, told San Francisco Chronicle staff writer
Bob Egalko that the state Supreme Court “preserved the right of San
Francisco to enact an ordinance like this if it chose to in the

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Non-native species extermination bill clears U.S. House unopposed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:

WASHINGTON, D.C.–HR 767, possibly the
most sweeping feral animal extermination mandate
ever put before Congress, unanimously cleared
the U.S. House of Representatives on October 23,
2007, completely eluding any visible notice from
national humane organizations.
No national humane organization issued a
legislative alert about HR 767. No national
humane organization even mentioned it in online
lists of animal-related bills under
consideration–not even Alley Cat Allies, whose
concerns are most directly targeted.
Introduced by Representative Ron Kind
(D-Wisconsin), HR 767 is officially titled the
Refuge Ecology Protection, Assistance, and
Immediate Response Act, or REPAIR Act.
Informally, it is called the Kind Act, but the
closest approach to kind language in it is a
passage requiring that funded extermination
programs must minimize “adverse impacts to the
structure and function of national wildlife
refuge ecosystems and adverse effects on
nontarget species.”
No restrictions are placed on the species
that may be targeted or the methods that may be
used to kill them.
An October 22 press release from Kind’s
office promoting HR 767 mentioned only purple
loosestrife, black locust, and zebra mussels as
examples of invasive species, but the bill
appears to have originated chiefly out of birder
antipathy toward feral cats.
“In response to the exploding threat that
invasive species pose to the health and abundance
of many birds,” said publicist Steve Holmer of
the American Bird Conservancy, an organization
built on fierce opposition to neuter/return feral
cat control, “Kind championed legislation which
provides grants to states to identify harmful
non-native species and establish priorities for
preserving native birds, fish, other wildlife,
and their habitats. The REPAIR Act now moves to
the Senate, where ABC hopes to see quick
A native of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Kind
still has one of his two constituency offices in
LaCrosse–the same city where birder Mark Smith
in 2005 organized a campaign to authorize hunters
to shoot feral cats.

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Canada takes seal product bans to WTO Canadian trade minister will not oppose dog & cat fur imports to avoid precedent

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2007:
GENEVA–Defying the court of world
opinion, Canadian international trade minister
David Emerson on September 26, 2007 appealed to
the World Trade Organiza-tion to try to stop
Belgium and the Netherlands from banning Atlantic
Canadian seal products.
Emerson asked the WTO to hold “formal
consultations” with the European Union on the
Belgian and Dutch actions, “which is the first
step in the organization’s dispute settlement
process,” explained James Keller of Canadian
Belgium banned seal product imports in
January 2007, allowing an exemption for Inuits
in the Far North who hunt seals by traditional
methods. The Netherlands published a similar ban
in July 2007, taking effect in September.
Both bans are symbolic, since neither
nation has recently imported seal products, but
Emerson “said Canada is worried the bans will
encourage other countries that have expressed
similar concerns, including Austria, Germany,
and Italy, to follow with their own bans,”
wrote Keller.
Dutch agriculture minister Gerda Verburg
responded that the Dutch law “fits within the
rules established by the WTO.”
European Union trade commissioner Peter
Mandelson said in a written statement that he is
“naturally disappointed by this move” on the part
of the Canadian government. Mandelson “said the
EU would defend its member states before the WTO,
while continuing to study whether a EU-wide ban
on seal products is justified,” summarized

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