Not very much good for animals in 2013 Farm Bill maneuvering

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

WASHINGTON D.C.––A version of the 2013 Farm Bill passed on July 11,  2013 by the U.S. House of Representatives eliminated $80 billion in funding for the federal food stamp program,  but included an amendment by Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) which would overturn more than 150 state laws governing aspects of food safety,  occupational health, and animal welfare. Read more

Barnyard scrambles & turtle racing

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

RIVERDALE,  California;  DANVILLE,  Illinois;  EUGENE,  Oregon;  BELAIR,  Maryland––Video of a May 5,  2013 “barnyard scramble” at the Riverdale Rodeo in Riverdale,  California obtained and posted online by Showing Animals Respect & Kindness brought the end of the event,  the Fresno Bee reported on June 23,  2013. “The five-minute video shows rodeo organizers tossing animals out of trailers and containers onto the arena floor before children are turned loose to chase them,”  the Fresno Bee described.  Read more

Impressions of Wolf Haven, The Elephant Sanctuary, & Tiger Haven

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013: 

HOHENWALD,  KINGSTON,  Tennessee;  TENINO,  Washington––The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee,  Tiger Haven,  and Wolf Haven International have in common housing several of the most difficult species to keep safely in captivity,  controversial histories before achieving current stability,  and high public profiles.  Read more

Renowned wildlife researcher Lynn Rogers loses his permit to radio-collar wild bears

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  July-August 2013:

ELY,  Minnesota––Lynn Rogers,  74,   longtime director of the Wildlife Research Institute and the affiliated North American Bear Center in Ely,  Minnesota,  was on June 28,  2013 told by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that the permit he has held since 1999 to radio-collar wild bears will not be renewed.   Read more

Failures of Humane Slaughter Act confirmed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

WASHINGTON D.C.––The Office of the USDA Inspector General report Food Safety and Inspection Service—Inspection and Enforcement Activities At Swine Slaughter Plants should have shocked the pork-eating public. Instead,  released on May 9,  2013,  it went almost ignored until Farm Sanctuary senior director for strategic initiatives Bruce Friedrich on May 28,  2013 described the content in The Huffington Post.   Read more

Tiger Truck Stop loses appeal, is closer to being closed

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May/June 2013:

NEW ORLEANS––Twenty-five years of protest and litigation against live tiger displays at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete,  Louisiana,  inched closer to resolution with an April 25,  2013 ruling by a three-judge panel representing the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal that truck stop owner Michael Sandlin does not have a valid permit to keep a 12-year-old tiger named Tony on the premises. Read more

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