LETTERS [Sep 2000]
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2000:
AHA mag is free
Your July/August 2000 article on recent happenings in Utah and Albuquerque indicated that shelters must pay for subscriptions to AHA’s sheltering publication, Protecting Animals.
Actually, we provide Protecting Animals to every shelter and animal control agency for which we have an address free of charge. This is similar to your philosophy of providing ANIMAL PEOPLE t o all shelters and agencies without charge. We provide extra copies to shelters which are members of AHA. But regardless of membership, we send every shelter at least one copy for free.
We do charge for participation in our professional training events and workshops. But we provide a scholarship for every training event we hold, and the application process is not burdensome. We also offer special scholarships to people who provide animal care and control on Native American reservations.
We are always seeking funding to keep our training events and workshops as inexpensive as possible.