Hunting & Fishing
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 1993:
Fed up with poachers, the Plaquemines Parish,
Lousiana district attorney’s office two years ago began
offering people convicted of hunting and fishing offenses
the option of contributing to an equipment fund to help
game wardens in lieu of paying higher fines. The 1991
receipts bought walkie-talkies and a video camera.
Receipts rose to $5,125 in 1992, and were mostly spent on
a $4,000 night vision scope, to detect jacklighters.
The Lousiana House of Representatives on
May 14 killed a bill to require hunters under 16 to pass a
gun safety class.
Allen Sarratt, of Camden, Tennessee, killed
his son Brent, 12, and daughter Kelly, 15, with a single
shot on May 17 when he slung his loaded deer rifle over his
shoulder as he started down the steps of their home and it