From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1994:
Encouraged by the reopening of
Bloomingdale’s Maximilian fur salon in
New York on November 29, the fur trade
still claims sales are up after a five-year
slump, projecting 1993 retail receipts of
$1.2 billion––but once again hard numbers
tell a different story. As of Christmas,
advertised retail fur prices were still plung-
ing to new lows in inflation-adjusted dollars.
Mink coats, furs priced at $5,000 or more,
and the overall average fur price were all
down 25% from the previous record lows
reached in 1992, The total volume of fur
advertising was down 17%, despite promi-
nent early fall cooperative promotional
efforts. Further indications of falling
demand include the 1993 mink and fox pro-
duction figures published in Fur Age