The race to revive horse slaughter

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  June 2012:

The race to revive horse slaughter

RIVERTON,  Wyoming–Trying to become the first U.S. entrepreneur to kill horses for meat since 2007,  Unified Equine company founder and Wyoming state representative Sue Wallis (R-Recluse) hopes to open a horse slaughterhouse near Riverton within the next year,  she told Jeremy Pelzer of the Casper Star-Tribune on May 22,  2012–but first Wallis has to find the investment capital.
“Wallis said Unified Equine, is looking to bring in local investors to help finance the plant,  which she said could cost between $2 million and $6 million and would initially create about 50 jobs.  The facility would process up to 200 horses a day for sale abroad and to ethnic markets within the U.S., she said,”  reported Pelzer. Read more

Humane Society of the U.S. sends a message via Kreider & Burger King

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2012:

of the U.S. on April 12, 2012 disclosed
undercover video of horrific conditions at a
Kreider Farms egg ranch in Man-heim,
Pennsylvania–an erstwhile ally in seeking
passage of HR 3798, the proposed federal bill to
mandate larger cage sizes for laying hens.
On April 25, 2012, less than two weeks
later, HSUS president Wayne Pacelle lauded
Burger King for announcing that by 2017 all
Burger King eggs and pork products are to come
from cage-free hens and pigs raised without use
of gestation stalls.

Read more

Free downloads from

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May 2012:

Climate,  Food Security,  & Growth:   Ethiopia’s Complex Relationship With Livestock  (22 pages)
by Mia MacDonald & Sangamithra Iyer
Cattle,  Soyanization,  & Climate Change:    Brazil’s Agricultural Revolution  (42 pages)
Skillful Means:  The Challenge of China’s Encounter With Factory Farming  (28 pages)

both by Mia MacDonald & Justine Simon   *   Brighter Green,  2011.

Free downloads from:  <>

    Like Veg or Non-Veg?  India at the Crossroads,  reviewed in the March 2012 edition of ANIMAL PEOPLE,  these slightly earlier reports from the Brighter Green ecological think-tank on the growth of animal agriculture in Brazil,  China,  and Ethiopia present a wealth of footnoted data,  summaries of economic and environmental challenges,  evaluations of the factors driving agribusiness in each nation,   and recommendations specific to each nation,  urging its government to de-emphasize promoting the livestock industry. Read more

Progress in equine contraception

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May 2012:

Progress in equine contraception

  BILLINGS–The American SPCA on April 16,  2012 granted $100,000 to the Science & Conservation Center in Billings,  Montana, maker of the contraceptive vaccine ZonaStat-H.   The grant is separate from an ongoing ASPCA subsidy of $50,000 per year for three years to help advance the center’s work.  “The center, on the ZooMontana grounds, will more than double the size of its training facility,”  reported Zach Benoit of the Billings Gazette. Read more

When it comes to hauling horses, bassackward is right

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May 2012:

VANCOUVER–More than two million U.S. and Canadian horse-keepers haul more than nine million horses an average of more than a dozen times each per year,  one or two in a trailer.
Farriers and veterinarians usually drive to the horses’ barns,  to minimize horse transport,  but horses are routinely hauled to riding trails,  shows,  races,  parades,  and other recreational and competitive events.  Then they are hauled back home again, enduring a drive in each direction which is often more stressful for the horse than the event itself. Read more

EU battery cage ban & the price of eggs

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  May 2012:

EU battery cage ban & the price of eggs

    BRUSSELSThe price of eggs in the shell  doubled,  while egg production fell 15% in the first four months after a European Union ban on battery caging,  according to the European Egg Producers Association.
“The EU acknowledges that there has been a clear reduction in eggs because of the cage ban but blames the industry for not taking action earlier,”  reported Raf Casert of Associated Press.  “The EU gave producers a dozen years to adapt their equipment to the animal friendly rules–but many still haven’t complied.   Those who prepared have reaped high profits as prices soar,”  Casert wrote.

Animal Place & Harvest Home rescue 4,460 hens

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2012:

TURLOCK,  California–“There are still 2,750 hens at our Rescue Ranch facility in Vacaville and 200 hens at our Grass Valley sanctuary.  587 hens have been placed into loving homes,”  Animal Place founder Kim Sturla posted on March 28,  2012,  a month after volunteers coordinated by Animal Place and the Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary,  in Stockton,  completed the largest hen rescue on record. Read more

Cattle are landed in Africa after Red Sea stranding, but camels are stuck due to foot-and-mouth outbreak

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2012:

CAIRO–Fear of foot-and-mouth disease left thousands of camels stranded as of March 31,  2012 aboard a livestock transport ship in the Red Sea,  the Egypt Independent and Al-Masry Al-Youm reported.
Thousands more camels were “stuck in a Suez quarry,”  the Egypt Independent and Al-Masry Al-Youm said.  In addition,  the Egyptian agriculture ministry prevented the import of more than 10,000 camels from Sudan on March 27,  2012,  the Egypt Independent and Al-Masry Al-Youm added. Read more

Another Chicken Activist’s Perspective on Federal Legal Protection for Hens

From ANIMAL PEOPLE,  April 2012:

Another Chicken Activist’s Perspective on Federal Legal Protection for Hens
by Paul Shapiro, Senior director of farm animal protection, Humane Society of the U.S.

In 1999, United Poultry Concerns rightly lauded the passage of the European Union’s law requiring a phase-in of better treatment of egg-laying hens by 2012, including a switch from barren battery cages to enriched colony cages.
“Europe Bans Battery Hen Cages” was the UPC newsletter’s headline,  with the article continuing that caging systems will be improved by reducing stocking density,  but that cage-free would have been better.  “Historic Day for Hens,”  continued another UPC headline about the EU announcement.  The article asserted,  “It is time for the United States and Canada to climb aboard,”   adding “The vote is a victory for the birds and for our struggle on their behalf in a country that,  to date,  accords to birds and to farmed animals no federal protection at all.” Read more

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