From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 1994:
World-renowned primatologist
Dr. Jan Moor-Jankowski quit the New
York University Medical School’s Animal
Care and Use Committee on August 16, in
protest of how the committee has handled
allegations of animal abuse involved with
addiction experiments on monkeys done by
fellow faculty member Dr. Ronald Wood.
Wood’s work was temporarily suspended
last spring, former NYU head veterinarian
Dr. Wendell Niemann resigned, and some
staff who purport to have been whistle-
blowers were dismissed, but the full cir-
cumstances have not been disclosed.
Dean Smith of the American
Anti-Vivisection Society has produced a
paragraph-by-paragraph critique of the
American Medical Association’s recent
white paper on Use of Animals in
Biomedical Research, available for $3.00
each from the AAVS at 801 Old York Rd,
Suite 204, Jenkintown, PA 19046-1685.
Get the AMA white paper from the AMA,
Dept. of Science & Medical Education,
515 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60610.