Editorial: Please remember us, too
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, December 1993:
Soon you’ll be sending your holiday gifts to the animals. It’s a big job, sift-
ing through the heart-rending appeals that fill your mailbox, measuring needs and pri-
orities against your ability to help. And it’s a critical job, because only your generosi-
ty makes animal protection possible. From the smallest local humane society to the
best-endowed national advocacy group, your choices of whom to help, and why,
direct the entire humane movement.
The responsibility to choose wisely is yours. And once again, ANIMAL
PEOPLE will be there to assist. Once again we’ve spent countless hours reviewing
the tax filings of the 50 biggest animal-related charities in the U.S., which we have
obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. In this issue we present our fourth annu-
al listing of their budgets, assets, income, and highest salaries.