From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1994:
Muriel, The Lady Dowding, died
in England on November 21, 1993, at age
85. A long series of strokes had left her con-
fined to a nursing home, isolated from friends
and deeply impoverished after giving most of
her fortune to animal causes. Her chief regret
late in life, she told ANIMAL PEOPLE
publisher Kim Bartlett, was that she was “no
longer able to do very much for the animals.”
A lifelong vegetarian, Theosophist,
and spiritualist, after her mother’s example,
the Lady Dowding argued in her 1980 autobi-
ography, The Psychic LIfe of Muriel, the
Lady Dowding, that enlightenment cannot be
achieved without sensitivity to animals. She
was long active in the White Eagle Lodge, a
British/American religious group with special
concern for animals.