International Rights Film Festival awards

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2010:
KHARKOV–Nineteen films on human rights and animal rights
themes were honored at the Third International Rights Film Festival
in Kharkov, Ukraine, during the week of December 12-19, 2009.
Another 22 films won honorable mentions.
“Steps to Freedom” statuettes for best films in category were
awarded to three films on animal rights themes. “Best short film on
animal rights” was He’d never do that, directed by Anartz Zuazua of
Spain. “Best documentary on animal rights” was “I’m an Animal: the
Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA,” directed by Matthew Galkin of the

“Best animation on animal rights” was Yudisthira’s Dog,
produced by Wolf Clifton in the style of an Indonesian shadow puppet
play, with narration by Nanditha Krishna. Premiered at Asia for
Animals 2008 in Bali, Yudisthira’s Dog may be viewed at
Founded by Ukrainian legislator, animal advocate, and film
maker Igor Parfenov, the Third International Rights Film Festival
was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, the
Ukrainian Union of Filmmakers, and the World Society for the
Protection of Animals.

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