Eight California cities ban declawing
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November/December 2009:
MARIN, Calif.–Racing to beat a January 1, 2010 deadline
imposed by the state legislature, cities including about a sixth of
the population of California had banned declawing cats by December 8,
2009, and Marin County was expected to join them.
“I’m leaning very heavily toward going for it, given the
cruelty issue,” Marin County supervisor Charles McGlashan told
Richard Halstead of the Marin Independent Journal. McGlashan
indicated that declawing might be banned at the county board meeting
of December 15, 2009, one day after the 102nd anniversary of the
founding of the Marin County Humane Society. Marin County is also
home of national animal advocacy organizations including In Defense
of Animals, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and the Humane Farming