Kerala capital to obey Indian dog law?

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2009:
THIRUVANATHAPURAM–Three years of defiance of the Indian
national dog policy may be at an end in Thiruvanathapuram, the
capital city of Kerala state.
Both The Hindu and the Indian Express on April 25, 2009
reported that mayor C. Jayan Babu on April 3 reluctantly suspended
killing street dogs after receiving notice from the Animal Welfare
Board of India that the program violates a December 2008 ruling by
the Supreme Court of India.
From the ruling until obliged to stop, the Indian Express
said, the Babu administration paid 18 dogcatchers two and a half
times the previous rate per dog caught.

Seeking to continue the killing, Kerala State Human Rights
Commission chair N. Dhinakar and the Ombudsman for Municiplalities in
March 2009 directed the city to stop “stray dog menace” and expedite
“disposal of stray dogs.”
Indian national policy mandates sterilizing dogs, rather
than killing them for population control. Municipalities are
directed to conduct Animal Birth Control programs following the
Animal Welfare Board protocol, or to hire nonprofit agencies to do
the job.
The AWBI allows ABC programs to euthanize dogs who are ill,
injured, or dangerous. Animal Rescue Kerala in September 2006
trained 25 dogcatchers to participate in a purported
Thiruvanatha-puram ABC program, but the program turned out to be a
ruse for killing dogs under the ABC exemption. Purebred dogs were
spared and sold, alleged R.Abhed Kiran Kandamath of the Bhima Club.
Animal Rescue Kerala founder Avis Lyons contested the
Thiruvanathapuram policy, but in April 2007 the Kerala High Court
authorized the city to continue killing dogs. Kerala state minister
for local self-government Paloli Mohammed Kutty then “directed the
heads of local self-government institutions to take effective steps
to end the stray dog menace before May,” The Hindu reported.

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