Dairyland disaster
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 2009:
KENOSHA, Wisconsin–Three greyhounds broke their legs
running on the frozen Dairyland Greyhound Park track on December 19.
2008, despite a warning from track veterinarian Jenifer Barker that
she could not approve the surface. Dairyland cancelled 11 races the
next day.
Don Walker of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel used the
Wisconsin open records law to get Barker’s e-mails to Wisconsin
Gaming Division chief Robert Sloey and Dairyland chief steward Dan
Subach, expressing her concerns.
Dairyland officials reportedly expected to lose as much as
$2.8 million in 2008, after losing similar amounts in each of the
preceding several years. The Menominee tribe of Wisconsin and the
Mohegan tribe of Connecticut jointly hold an option to buy the track,
the last in the state, for $40.5 million, if they can obtain
permits to add a casino and convention center to the property.