ENPA gets 1st female chief since 19th century
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, May 2007:
ROME–The Italian charity ENPA, whose name translates
literally as “Entity for the Protection of Animals,” on March 30,
2007 announced the election of a new president, Carla Rocchi, to
succeed Paul Manzi, president since 1999.
“Manzi assumes the role of national prime minister of ENPA,”
ENPA said.
Rocchi, who had headed the Rome chapter of ENPA, becomes
only the second woman president. The first was Anna Winter, a
British-born close associate of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the unifier of
modern Italy. Winter, Garibaldi, and Timoteo Riboli jointly
founded ENPA, then called the Animal Protection Society, in 1871.
About two dozen other Italian animal charities formed during
the next 66 years. Legislation pushed by the dictator Benito
Mussolini forcibly merged them into the Animal Protection Society,
and conferred the name ENPA, in 1938.