British lab review findings

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, June 2005:

LONDON–A two-year review of British animal experiments by
the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, released on May 25, 2005,
concluded that proprietary concerns and anxiety about physical
security inhibit the exchange of findings which could reduce animal
British labs used 2.8 million animals in 2004, up from recent
years, but half the numbers used in the 1970s, according to Home
Office figures.
The Nuffield Council criticized the Home Office for
insufficiently determining how many animals are killed, how many die
in care, and how much suffering they endure.
The Nuffield report was compiled by a panel of 18 animal
advocates, ethicists, and scientists from both academia and private
industry. It followed a 2002 House of Lords select committee report
and a 2003 report by the Animal Procedures Committee, an advisory
body created by the Scientific Procedures Act of 1986.

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