Dickson out at WSPA

From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2002:

LONDON–Andrew Dickson, chief executive of the World Society
for the Protection of Animals since 1992, either resigned or was
dismissed in early September 2002, informed sources told ANIMAL
PEOPLE at deadline.
Further details were unavailable.
Dickson had survived many public controversies, including a
1995 rift with primatologist Jane Goodall, several splits with Latin
American donors and affiliates, and allegations of extensive
mismanagement of the WSPA bear sanctuary program raised from several
different directions in 2001.

There was no immediate word as to who the WSPA board might
pick to succeed Dickson. Formed by a 1981 merger of programs of the
Royal SPCA, Massachusetts SPCA, and the Humane Society of the U.S.,
WSPA is governed by four representatives from each of the founding
organizations, plus one representative each from four other

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