No-Kill notes
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 1999:
Lynda Foro left Sun City, Arizona,
in June to become director of the Pet Savers
Foundation, the outreach arm of the North
Shore Animal League. Her duties will
include continuing all current DTFA projects––the
biggest of which is the annual N o
Kill Conference, co-sponsored by North
Shore/Pet Savers since 1995. (See ads, page 7
and back cover.) The North Shore grants program
remains under the direction of operations
manager Perry Fina, who had divided time
between North Shore and Pet Savers positions.
ANIMAL PEOPLE editor Merritt
Clifton will present a workshop at this year’s
No Kill Conference on how your adoption
program can get a boost from the Lewyt
Awards for compassionate and heroic animals,
sponsored by Pet Savers, and from other great
single-animal stories––but it isn’t on the printed
schedule, so note the time: 5:00 p.m.,
Saturday, October 2, room to be announced.
Clarissa Baldwin, CEO of the
London-based National Canine Defense
League, recently received a lifetime achievement
award from the Baroness Wharton.