People & Organizations
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1999:
A year-long dispute over leadership
of the Society of St. Francis, in Kenosha,
Wisconsin, described in the October 1998 edition
of ANIMAL PEOPLE, “has been
resolved,” Animal Lobby founder Cindy
Schultz told ANIMAL PEOPLE on December
18. “I am the new president of the Society. The
faction opposing Bob Frank,” who was
cofounder and until November 1997 the president
of the Society, “is gone. Bob will remain
on the board,” Schultz added. Incorporated in
1975, the Society of St. Francis is among the
older no-kill shelters in the United States.
Robin Baird, the Canadian marine
mammologist who founded the MARMAM
electronic bulletin board for marine mammal
researchers, has become research director for
the Pacific Whale Foundation, succeeding Paul
Forestell, who remains PWF vice president.
“The super-secret National Security
Agency admits it has dozens of top-secret documents
involving famed underwater explorer
Jacques Cousteau,” APB Multimedia reporters
Tami Sheheri and Mark Sauter revealed on
December 15––but they were unable to find out
just why Cousteau was of national security
interest. APB special correspondent for espionage
and military justice Chip Beck speculated
that it might have had something to do with
Cousteau’s invention of scuba diving gear, or
with his contacts with world leaders hostile to
the U.S., such as Fidel Castro, or with his
communications with more radical environmentalists.
“They were probably eavesdropping on
some other entity and picked up Cousteau,”
Beck said.
Give Us Shelter, a cable TV show
begun by Cats Lost & Wanting Shelter
founder June Daley, of Mashpee, Mass., was
recently named a finalist in the regional TV
competition of the New England chapter of
Women in Cable & Telecommunications.