Humane media
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1999:
ProAnimal, providing independent coverage of animal protection in Israel twice a year since 1992, and of visible influence in building the Israeli humane movement, is considering whether to continue as a printed publication, or convert to an electronic format, circulated via the World Wide Web. Editor/publisher Suzanne Trauffer welcomes input at 2211 N. Berkshire Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; fax 804-296- 1096; e-mail >><<.
Because “The cost of publishing a periodical has become prohibitive for a small ministry like ours,” Viatoris Ministries, of Sarasota, Florida, has ceased publication of the Humane Religion newsletter. “We will continue to function,” founder Jackie Hyland added, “as a resource ministry for the animals, and will publish books and pamphlets, which are less expensive to produce and distribute.”
>><<, an online auction house, on December 16 suspended the participation privileges of 14 members who e-mailed protests to the Ebay electronic bulletin board against dog auctions. The suspension drew extensive coverage from Tina Kelley of The New York Times, who noted that “The American Kennel Club h a s decided that as of April 1999 it will not register dogs sold via auction or raffle, online or otherwise, unless they have tattoos or microchips as a form of permanent identification prior to being sold.”