From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1999:
The financial data below pertains to animalissue-related
charities whose IRS Form 990 filings came
too late to abstract in our ninth annual “Who Gets The
Money?” charts, published in December 1998.
Each charity is identified in the second column
by apparent focus: A for advocacy, E for education,
V for vivisection, pro or con. We review the filings
of animal-issue charities of many types and perspectives,
but none of other types sent Form 990 late.
Charities often declare to the IRS a balance of
program vs. fundraising and maintenance expense
(overhead) which differs from the balance as it would be
computed using the voluntary National Charities
Information Bureau guidelines. Thus the % c o l u m n
states each charity’s overhead costs as declared, while
the ADJ column states those costs as they would appear
had the NCIB guidelines been followed.
For a more complete explanation of how to
interpret the data, please refer to our December 1998
“Who Gets The Money?” introduction.
One charity listed below, the National
Leukemia Research Association, “has relied for 12
years on the fundraising acumen of William Cutolo, a
man who law enforcement authorities list as a captain in
the Colombo crime family,” Kevin Flynn wrote in the
December 12 edition of The New York Times.
“The charity’s relationship with Mr. Cutolo,
who sits on its board and has been its Man of the Year,”
Flynn added, “has gotten the NLRA entangled in the
Manhattan District Attorney’s broad probe of alleged
kickbacks, embezzlement, and voter fraud within
District Council 37,” an umbrella for 56 union locals,
representing 120,000 New York City workers.
J. Bruce Mouw, identified as “a retired
supervisor with the FBI who specialized in tracking
organized crime,” told Flynn that Cutolo was allegedly
a major player in a mob war within the Colombo family.
“His crew was very active trying to kill the
Persico side, and was responsible for several murders,”
Mouw stated.
Continued Flynn, “Mr. Cutolo was charged
with murder and racketeering as a result, but was
acquitted in 1994 after a federal trial. He has never
been convicted of a crime, but in 1990 he was expelled
from the Teamsters Union, in which he headed a local,
because of his reported links to organized crime.”
The NLRA made research grants in the
amount of $159,616 during fiscal 1997. One recipient,
Flynn reported, was Faith Marie Young, M.D., “a
Harvard Medical School graduate who received $20,000
in 1996 for research with genetically modified mice.”
The NLRA filing of IRS Form 990 did not
identify other grant recipients.
The NLRA has apparently not engaged in
advocacy. Foundation for Biomedical Research editor
Jim Stallard told ANIMAL PEOPLE that “Nobody
here, including FBR president Frankie Trull, can recall
having contact with the NLRA, or knowing anything
about it.”
The NLRA paid consulting fees of $44,626 to
unspecified persons, and paid $41,335 in wages. No
executive or board member was compensated.
Alley Cat Allies AE $ 263,819 $ 230,235 $ 33,584 13% 1 5% $ 61,909 $ none $ 61,909 a
American Bird Conservancy AE $ 818,048 $ 605,775 $ 212,273 26% 26% $ 861,055 $ 17,605 $ 756,939 b
Doris Day Animal League AE $ 2,239,350 $ 1,866,594 $ 372,756 17% 5 7% $ 834,406 $ 15,098 $ 1,035,800 c
a – Alley Cat Allies
director Rebecca
Robinson was paid
$4,307 in fiscal 1997
for fulltime services.
b – Government
grants in connection
with endangered
species research and
recovery programs,
totaling $280,596,
made up 34% of the
American Bird
Conservancy budget.
ABC president
George Fenwick
was paid $80,450 in
fiscal 1997 for fulltime
services. The
next best paid staffer,
Gerald Winegrad,
received $62,218.
c – Doris Day
Animal League
executive director
Holly Hazard w a s
paid $76,545 in fiscal
1997 for fulltime