From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1998:
These tables on animal-and/or-habitat-related
organizations whose IRS Form 990 filings were
received late appear supplemental to the tables published
in our December 1997 edition. That edition covered
105 other organizations, in our eighth annual
“Who Gets The Money?” special feature, and is still
available at $3.00 per copy.
Each charity is identified in the second column
by apparent focus: A for advocacy, C for conservation
of habitat via acquisition, E for education, H for
support of hunting (either for “wildlife management” or
recreation), L for litigation, N for neutering, P for
publication, R for animal rights, S for shelter/sanctuary
maintenance, V for focus on vivisection issues,
and W for animal welfare. R and W are used only if a
group makes a point of being one or the other.
Unless otherwise stated, the financial data
comes from current Internal Revenue Service Form 990
filings, covering fiscal year 1996.
Charities often declare to the IRS a balance of
program vs. fundraising and maintenance expense
(overhead) which differs from the balance as it would
be computed using the voluntary National Charities
Information Bureau guidelines. Thus the % c o l u m n
states each charity’s overhead costs as declared, while
the ADJ column states those costs as they would appear
had the NCIB guidelines been followed.
For a more complete explanation of how to
interpret the data, please refer to our December 1997
“Who Gets The Money?” introduction.
American Rivers AE $ 3,191,210 $ 2,469,735 $ 721,475 23% 23% $ 418,910 (unavailable) B
Animal Industry Foundation AE $ 207,882 $ 144,548 $ 63,334 31% 31% $ 180,231 $ 6,298 $ 184,087 C
Blue Cross of India (Madras) S $ 87,453 $ 79,623 $ 7,830 11% 11% $ 175,271 $ 22,011 $ 9,688 AD
Bombay SPCA S $ 263,639 $ 220,558 $ 33,218 15% 15% $ 516,916 $ 152,816 $ 315,865 A D
National Anti Vivisection Society V $ 1,831,368 $ 1,266,056 $ 565,312 31% 46% $ 5,349,335 $ 16,036 $ 5,315,903 E
Save The Manatees AE $ 975,729 $ 861,636 $ 114,093 12% 29% $ 621,096 $ 22,396 $ 600,382
Sierra Club AE $ 47,946,212 $ 40,939,020 $ 7,007,192 17% 17% $ 16,306,580 $ 4,885,282 $ 18,291,971
A – No paid staff.
B – Information
from balance sheet
sent to members.
C – AIF exists to
defend the meat
industry, funded by
Purina Mills, Eli
Lilly, Cargill, the
U.S. Poultry & Egg
Assn., Continental
Grain Co., Perdue
Farms, Cenex Land
O’Lakes, the Natl.
Broiler Council,
Natl. Pork Producers
Council, PCS Phosphate,
Novus Intl.,
Oscar Mayer Foods,
D.K. Webster Family
Foundation, and
Dean K. Webster,
among others.
D – Amounts are
converted to U.S.
dollars at 37.50
rupees to the dollar.
E – NAVS during
1995-1996 bought
and sold stock in
these firms which
are reputedly major
users of animals in
research and testing:
Johnson & Johnson
(paid $6.912, sold
after eight days for
$7,138), Eli Lilly
(paid $38,591, sold
after five days for
$37,349), Merck
(paid $108,150,
sold after 123 days
for $109,603),
Pfizer (paid $9,099,
sold after 15 days
for $9,026), Unilever
(paid $13,231,
sold after 15 days
for $13,425), and
W a r n e r – L a m b e r t
(paid $8,357, sold
after 15 days for
$8,389.) Of these
firms, only Johnson
& Johnson has made
a public commitment
to phasing out
animal testing, and
only Johnson &
Johnson is known to
have greatly cut animal
use since 1988,
when these six firms
together used more
than 111,500 animals
in their labs.
The Pay column below combines salaries,
benefit plan contributions for those whose organizations
have a benefit plan, and expense accounts for those
who are not required to itemize expenses.
The IRS no longes requires disclosure of nonboard
compensation of under $50,000.
For salary norms by job description, as well
as the salaries of more than 500 individuals with other
animal-related organizations, please refer to our
December 1997 “Who Gets The Money?” feature.
Individual Position Group Pay Note
Deborah Sorondo AsstSec Sierra $136,399
Michael McCloskey Chair Sierra $125,093
PEGGY CUNNIFF ExecDir NAVS $117,000 1
Carl Pope ExecutiveDir Sierra $107,793
Louis Barnes AsstTreas Sierra $111,343
Kenneth Cunniff Attorney NAVS $ 75,950 1
Vicki Thorpe AsstTreas Sierra $ 70,671
Donald Barnes DirEduc NAVS $ 63,300
Kay N. Johnson VicePres AIF $ 61,907
Thomas Joyce DeptyDir NAVS $ 61,600
Hamilton Leong AsstTrs Sierra $ 60,761
ADAM WERBACH President Sierra $ 32,500
STEVEN KOPPERUD President AIF $ 15,632 2
1 – Peggy and Kenneth Cunniff are wife and husband.
Kenneth Cunniff also has his own high-profile law practice,
as detailed in our June 1996 edition.
2 – Steve Kopperud is listed as a 10% time staffer.