AzSPCA founder loses leg
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1998:
Arizona SPCA founder Treva
Slote, 68, lost her left leg and Phoenix
police officer Brian Wilbur, 26, was critically
injured on December 20 when Elfido
Moreno, 35, allegedly rammed them as
they picked up a hurt dog. Officer Jeremy
Rosenthal, 25, suffered minor injuries.
Moreno was booked on two counts of aggravated
assualt and one count of endangerment.
He reportedly had just left a party,
and had a police record for alleged drunk driving.
Slote, a former exotic dancer, cofounded
the Arizona Humane Society and
started the AzSPCA in 1960, after first trying
to purchase every cat and kitten who
would otherwise be killed by Maricopa
County animal control. In 1976 she convinced
the county to halt killing animals by
decompression––already discredited as inhumane,
but then still in common use.