Wills accused of rape
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1997:
WASHINGTON D.C.––Humane Society of the
U.S. staffers Virginia Bollinger and Cristobel Block, suing
former HSUS vice president for investigations David Wills
since August 1995 for alleged injuries “sustained as a result
of Wills’ repeated battery,” on October 21 filed counterclaims
to Wills’ countersuit stating that, “Wills’ repeated battery
of Block and Bollinger was consistent with his pattern
and practice of sexually assaulting and sexually harassing
female employees with whom he worked, threatening them
with adverse action if they reported his unlawful conduct,
and terrorizing them through his verbal and physical threats
and attacks. Over a 10-year period,” the document continues,
“Wills has subjected at least 13 female employees with
whom he has worked, including Block and Bollinger, to
such sexual battery.” The filing goes on to describe alleged
repeated rapes of Bollinger and alleged rape attempts on both
women that Wills was purportedly unable to consumate.
Wills, also sued by HSUS for purportedly embezzling
$93,000, has denied all charges.
Wills ascended to his HSUS position through the
often public patronage of longtime HSUS president John
Hoyt, who over a 20-year period helped him obtain jobs
heading the Nashua Humane Society and Michigan Humane
Society, and helped him found the short-lived National
Society for Animal Protection, before actually bringing him
into HSUS in 1991. Sources at each previous stop have
alleged that Wills departed each time after similar allegations
were brought to board attention, but he was not prosecuted in
connection with either alleged sexual misconduct or missing
funds until former NSAP board member Sandra LeBost sued
him successfully for fraud in 1995, just before Bollinger and
Block brought their sexual harassment case.