From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1996:
Bidding to take over her late mother Ann
Fields’ Love & Care For God’s Animalife
fundraising empire, which paid Fields $75,000 to
$100,000 a month according to the Alabama Office
of the Attorney General, Tina Fields Denny has
formed an organization called Saving Animals From
Euthanasia (SAFE, Inc.), and is now raising funds
herself apparently using Fields’ list, ostensibly to be
able to meet the bonding requirement necessary to
take custody of the 900 dogs and cats left at the Love
& Care shelter after a January 30 hearing. Fields
Denny is also urging donors not to send money to the
Andalusia Humane Society; those funds go, by court
order, to court-appointed animal caretaker Allen
Corey, and actually feed hungry dogs and cats. “We
will have the same goals and guidelines as the no-kill
animal shelters of my parents, Ann and Jerry Fields,”
one Fields Denny appeal proclaims. It may be worth
noting that the June 1994 edition of the Love & Care
newsletter accused Tina Fields Denny’s husband
Ronald Denny of stealing equipment, misappropriating
shelter vehicles, and running drugs.
Jailed financial radio talk show host and
former Humane Society of the U.S. board member
Irwin “Sonny” Bloch is to go to trial on April 15 for
allegedly defrauding listeners of $21 millio. His son
Paul Bloch, 28, pleaded guilty to similar charges on
December 15 in federal court at Newark, New
Jersey, and agreed to testify against his father, along
with five other accused co-conspirators. HSUS has
yet to answer questions from ANIMAL PEOPLE as
to whether it accepted investment advice from the
senior Bloch, and if so, what the outcome was.
Enough investors did profit by Bloch’s advice that his
show was aired for 15 years, with a peak audience of
about one million. Bloch left the HSUS board after
his indictment last spring.
Among the members of the National
Wetlands Coalition, a misleadingly named antiwetlands
protection wise use group, is the New
Orleans-based Audubon Institute, whose president,
Ronald Forman, is noted for raising funds from the
mineral extraction industry. The Audubon Institute
runs the Aquarium of the Americas, one of the most
popular aquariums in the world that does not include
marine mammals; the Audubon Zoo; the Audubon
Center for Research on Endangered Species; the
Freeport-McMoRan Species Survival Center; the
Louisiana Science and Nature Center; Audubon
Park; Woldenberg Riverfront Park; and the Entergy
IMAX Theatre. Major backers, besides FreeportMcMoRan,
whose gifts total $11 million, include
Louisiana Light & Electric, Amoco, Shell, Exxon,
Midland Pipe, Chevron, Kerr-McGee, and Tenneco
Inc. Forman’s pay package is circa $265,000 a year.