Help for dogs who have been hit by cars
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, January/February 1996:
WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana––The Purdue University School of Veterinary
Medicine’s Center for Paralysis Research seeks dogs with spinal fractures, to participate in a
study of oscillating field stimulators, a type of surgically implanted rehabilitative device.
Eligible dogs cannot weigh more than 35 pounds; must be two to eight years old; must have
suffered fracture and dislocation of bones in the spinal column, a type of injury common in
dogs hit by cars, within the past 14 days; and must be completely paralyzed in the hindquarters.
Prospect dogs must be brought to the center by the owners. The center will cover all
medical costs of dogs accepted into the study. For further details, call 317-494-7600.
This is the second major Purdue study of spinal injuries in dogs to use only dogs
who already need medical help. A study of naturally occurring disc herniations, begun in
1988, has helped more than 300 dogs, 90% of whom were otherwise euthanasia candidates.