REVIEWS: North Atlantic Humpback Whales
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, July/August 1994:
N o rth Atlantic Humpback Whales, recorded by Paul
Knapp Jr. Compass Recordings (POB 8173, Bridgeport, CT
06605), 1992. $10.00.
As the do-wop chorus behind Paul Winter, Mannfred Mann,
Country Joe and others, whales have a CV comparable to that of the little-
known Diana Love, who sang on even more hit albums than the Beatles
before getting a star billing in her 29th year of rock-and-roll. Paul Knapp
Jr., an active member of Cetacean Society International, rectifies the
musical injustice to whales with his tape North Atlantic Humpback Whales.
The whales sing uninterrupted and unspliced on side A, picking up a back-
ground chorus of popping and crackling pistol shrimp on side B.